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"Hey, sweetheart."

A pair of hands fell onto my shoulders and I turned just in time for Bret to swoop in for a quick peck on the lips. I smiled into his kiss and pulled him in closer for an intense make out session. He gladly obliged, his hands falling from my shoulders and snaking themselves into my shirt and under my bra.

This was heaven.

For the first time in a long time, I was happy. My mansion was no longer empty, my nights were no longer lonely, and my heart was fuller than ever. Bret had wormed his way into my life, and everyday continued to be better than the last.

Our relationship had blossomed in the passed few months. We had started from a clumsy, drunken one night stand and progressed into a boyfriend-girlfriend partnership that always seemed to side somewhere between puppy love and ravenous lust, but never in between.

While this was all well and good, what brought me the most joy was the fact that Bret was still alive. Whatever Nikki and I had done, it was working. I was grateful for everyday that I woke up and Bret was alive and well.

"How's the band?" I asked when he finally pulled away from me. I watched him stroll around my dining room table until he took a seat directly across from me.

He plopped down with a sigh,reaching a finger under his bandana to itch his forehead. "We've been recording the new album, no name for it yet. CC says hi."

I grinned. CC was somewhat of a friend to Bret, but some strange tension had begun to grow between the two. Despite this, CC and I had always gotten along well, and it was nice that Bret still carried messages from the guitarist my way, even if they weren't on the best of terms.

"That's sweet of him. Tell him I said hi too."

There was a pause in which I went back to the paperwork I had been focusing on before Bret had distracted me. Some questionnaire I was supposed to fill out to enter a photoshoot in Paris. It was pretty boring, but it was necessary.

"Nikki says hi too."

My pen involuntarily dropped from my hand, and I silently cursed myself for being stupid enough to show that kind of reaction. I didn't need this right now. I had worked so hard to move on with Bret. I didn't need Nikki popping back up into my life, and I definitely didn't need him starting any drama in my relationship with Bret.

"Oops," I murmured, picking the pen back up. I was hoping Bret would think that I happened to accidentally drop my pen as soon as he mentioned Nikki's name by mere coincidence. When I peeked up at the singer, however, I could tell that he wasn't buying it.

"Nikki, huh. Nikki Sixx?" I clarified, trying to keep a light smile on my face.

"Who else?" He chuckled, but his voice sounded gruff. Strained. "We bumped into each other at the studio."

"Hm. I don't know why he would think I would want to say hi to him," I replied coldly.

Bret's eyes were watching me carefully, and I knew he was looking for a crack in my armor. Some sort of sign that I still held feelings for my former boyfriend. Fake former boyfriend. But I wouldn't. I refused. Sure, I slipped up when I dropped my pen, but he had merely caught me with my pants down. This time, I was aware. I was ready.

"Have you been talking to him?" He asked. His voice was monotonous, but I could see the pain in his eyes. I knew what he wanted me to say, and lucky for him, it was the truth. So I said it.


He blinked at me, and I knew it was an answer that he had wanted, but that he hadn't expected.

"He probably was just trying to rile you up, babe," I said with a shrug, turning back to my questionnaire. "I liked you and your music before I even knew who he was. It probably hurt his inflated ego."

This news did just the trick and Bret lit up like a bundle of Christmas lights. "That makes sense. Nikki loves being the center of attention."

I shrugged, not wanting to contribute to the continuation of this conversation. It made me uncomfortable to insult Nikki, let alone have Bret this close to digging up my true feelings. Things with him were going great. Why did he have to poke at old wounds?


I glanced up at Bret, he had reached out a tender hand and placed it over mine. A warmth radiated from his fingers all the way up into my chest. What was up with this guy? He was so gentle, so loving. Why did he have this effect on me?

I looked into his twinkling eyes and he smiled back at me. "I'm sorry I doubted you, Winnie."

His apology made my chest ache and I felt the tears beginning to spring into my eyes. I made a strangled whimpering sound and he pulled me into his arms and onto his lap.

"I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You're so good to me, I can't believe I even considered it."

He gingerly kissed the top of my head and rocked me like a baby. This, of course, only made me cry harder and cling to him for comfort.

The sad part was, I wasn't crying because he had accused me of cheating, or because he had been worried about me. I was crying because he had every reason in the world to feel that way, and yet I was making him feel safe. I was a liar. To Nikki, to myself, and worst of all, to Bret.

You're a cheater, I scolded myself as I cried into his chest. The first time I had been honest in weeks.

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