Are You Going To Be Alright?

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"Ms. Rinaldi! Ms. Rinaldi!"

I paused and turned on my heel only to see Sarah charging towards me. As always, she seemed to be freaking out about something, and I could see that her eyes were wide with concern behind her thick rimmed glasses.

"What's wrong, Sarah?" I asked softly, trying to stay calm.

I wouldn't let myself worry without knowing what the problem was first. After my last date with Nikki, I didn't want to even consider the fact that the curse may have finally gotten to him. Not now. Not when I was finally starting to like him. Maybe even fall for him....

She stumbled to a halt in front of me and hurriedly began straightening her ruffled pencil skirt. She combed a stray hair out of her face before speaking.

"Ms. Rinaldi, I have just received a call from one of your boyfriend's close friends. I believe he said his name was Tommy?" Sarah said it more like a question than a statement.

My heart leapt. Why would Tommy want to contact me? Why hadn't Nikki called me?

I gulped softly and mentally composed myself before continuing. "Alright."

"He said that he needs you to call him back right away."

"Right away?" I choked out, stumbling backwards slightly. I could feel my legs preparing to give out as the news hit me. I looked down as Sarah held a hand out to me. In it was a small square of paper with a phone number written on it.

"He says it's a matter of life and death," Sarah added.


Without another word, I was off. I hurriedly ripped the paper from Sarah before shoving passed her and running right back inside of the Seventeen magazine tower where I'd been busy modeling all morning. I sprinted up to the front desk and slapped my hand against the marble counter top like a mad man.

"Can I help you?" The secretary gave me a dirty look, obviously annoyed by my antics.

"I need to use a phone," I insisted.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we do not allow unauthorized personnel-"

"Now, dammit!" I ordered, pounding my fist onto the desk, causing it to shake violently.

Her eyes widened in fear as she cautiously picked up the phone beside her computer and held it out to me.

"Thank you," I breathed shakily, taking the phone from her and picking up the receiver. With trembling fingers, I typed in the phone number and waited patiently as the other end rang.

Come on, Tommy...Come on...

"Hello?" After what felt like an eternity, a male voice answered the phone. I recognized the voice immediately.

"Tommy? Tommy! What the hell is going on?" I demanded, trying to sound more angry than scared.

"Winter? I need you to meet up with me," Tommy spoke in a rush, only adding to the rising feeling of panic in my gut.

"Why?" I asked, my voice rising an octave.

"No time to explain. Just get your ass over to Cedars-Senai. Now."

There was a click on his end as he hung up. I, on the other hand, couldn't seem to leave the phone. As the ground seemed to fall out from below me, the phone was my only anchor to the real world. I clutched it to my ear, holding onto it for dear life.

"Ms. Rinaldi?" Sarah's voice came out tiny with a hint of concern. Still, it was enough to suck me back into reality. I blinked a few times before managing to focus my attention on my assistant.

I ignored her and instead chose to jump into action as a sudden sense of urgency began to build up within me.

"Do you know where Cedars-Senai is?" I asked, slamming the phone back down and beginning to head for the door.

"Yeah. It's a hospital down the road. Why?" Sarah scrambled to keep up with me as I stepped out onto the busy street to hail a cab.

"A hospital?" I gasped, turning to her with my mouth hanging open in shock.

"Yes," she nodded lightly, a hint of confusion showed on her face as she furrowed her eye brows.

An image of Nikki popped into my mind. He was laying in a ditch somewhere, half naked and gasping for breath. Another image of him, fully naked, in the morgue, pale as snow. All of the various scenarios of what could possibly have caused Nikki to be in the hospital flashed before my eyes and I shook my head frantically, trying to escape them.

"Call the hospital if you need me. If not, I'll contact you tomorrow," I muttered as I turned towards the busy street and hailed a cab.

"Are you going to be alright, Ms. Rinaldi?" Sarah called after me.

That was a good question. A good question that I had no answer to. At a loss for words, I simply shut the door without giving Sarah any answer.

I turned to the driver and handed him a wad of cash. "Cedars-Senai. Step on it."

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