Epilogue - No matter how fast you run, the world will catch you

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I was nervous, I won’t lie and say I wasn’t. I mean, Damon and I were about to get married on a hilltop small church with a couple of compelled human witnesses. It wasn’t the big white wedding I used to dream of, not going to lie there either. But I was marrying Damon, I was finally getting the man that I’ve wanted for the majority of my time here on earth.

My simple white lacy dress was barely affected by the wind since it was skin tight. However the veil was whipping all over the place making me laugh as it tickled my face. Inside was a our compelled gardener; playing at being Damon’s best man. His compelled wife being my compelled bridesmaid and their baby daughter was asleep in the back of the church.

These people were only compelled because they knew we were vampires. The only way there were compelled was that they weren’t allowed to tell people what we were. They were actually a little bit like friends to us, although we had kept our distance from everyone.

I walked into the church and Mandy squeezed my hand when she saw I was looking nervous. Damon turned around and mouthed those three words to me that I always love to hear; ‘I love you’. I just grinned at him, happiness taking over the nerves.

“Damon Salvatore, do you take Morticia, Lilith, Rose, Luna, Emma Violet, Lucia Bloodrayne...” the vicar began and I chuckled at my long name.

“actually its Morticia Lilith Rose Emma Luna Violet Lucia Bloodrayne” Damon corrected, making me smile and laugh.
“Damon Salvatore do you take Morticia Lilith Rose Emma Luna Violet Lucia Bloodrayne to be your wife. To have and to hold, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live” he asked, starting again to correct himself.
“I do” Damon smiled.
“Morticia Lilith Rose Emma Luna Violet Lucia Bloodrayne, do you take Damon Salvatore to be your husband. To have and to hold, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live” he asked me.
“actually...” I began and Damon let out a small growl.
“I do” I laughed.

“you may kiss the bride” he announced and Damon pulled me into his arms, giving me one of the softest, full of love kisses I have ever had from him.

After the ceremony we went back to our house and got out a bottle of Champaign, ready to party it up for two. While Damon sorted out which one we were to drink, I went and got changed. I came back down to open the bottle and he went and got changed too. He came back down with an envelope in his hands and I knew what was in it.

He pulled me onto the sofa and sat me in his lap as he opened the envelope.

Damon and Marti,

            Congratulations I guess. I hope you two are very happy.

            Marti my beautiful baby girl, I love you and hope you don't spend too much time today worrying about missing me. I am always in your heart.

            Damon, same rules as always, hurt her and you will be punished even though I am no longer with you.

            Anyway, my father of the bride speech:

            When Marti was born, I thought about this day for a split second. Only because I knew no man would ever come along that would deserve her. Then Damon came and to be honest I was cautious about him, as I would anyone that wanted my little girl. But over the time that I met him, I could see the love in his eyes for her. He always had a look of protection. I knew he would do everything he could to look after her while I was at the war I haven’t returned from.

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