Craziness that makes no sense :L

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“Happy New Year Damon” I smiled and pulled him into a hug. It was only my mother, Damon, Stefan and myself in the house as my father and brother had both returned to the army.

“Happy New Year Marti” he smiled hugging me.

“right, now we can all go to bed to get some sleep before the Jerry’s try to bomb us again” my mother stood up, as did Stefan.

“night mother” I smiled at her and pulled Damon up with me, Stefan following closely behind.

“so” he smiled as we both jumped onto my bed.

“yes?” I asked; he obviously wanted something.

“you should sleep” he brushed my hair with his fingers.

“not tired” I insisted sitting cross legged on my bed with my hands resting in the space it created.

“well what do you want to do?” he asked.

“talk” I smiled at him.

“ok, you start” he took one of my hands in his and played with the ring he gave me for my birthday.

“when I was six I broke my arm” I muttered not being able to think of anything else.

“how?” he questioned.

“I have an older brother, you work it out” I laughed quietly.

“what did he do?” he asked as I started to fiddle with his sun ring.

“helped me climb a tree in the back garden when we were home alone...” I began.

“let me guess, you fell out” Damon laughed quietly as I nodded.

“your turn” I pushed a finger into his chest and his laughing stopped.

“what?” I frowned.

“I can’t think of anything” he shrugged.

“you have lived for around a century and you have not got one thing you could randomly say” I smiled in disbelief.

“this is a bad idea” he sighed standing up.

“where you going?” I frowned.

“to swap with Stefan” he told me opening the door.

“but I want you, not Stefan” I jumped up and wrapped my arms around my waist.

“I’m bad Marti, you deserve someone better, someone human” he sighed taking my arms off his waist.

“talk to me Damon, don’t shut me out” I begged grabbing his hand and tugging on it.

“I do things Marti, things that mean I should be nowhere near you alone” he turned around to face me.

“what makes you say that?” I asked pulling him back into my room and closing the door.

“you just reminded me that you are breakable, that I could hurt you if I lost control for a split second, that I cannot be trusted around you” he frowned.

“why?” I asked sitting on my bed, he joined me.

“I kill people Marti” he whispered. I nodded taking it all in.

“why do you kill people?” I breathed. We never really talked about his vampire side too much. I knew he fed on human blood, but that was it.

“because I like it, it’s in my nature, it’s who I am, I’m a vampire Marti, it’s what we do” he sighed.

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