Marti has problems

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“So why did you come home so early brother?” Damon asked once we reached the living room. I laid down on my front in the middle of the room to listen.

“John was being too annoying, I did text Marti and you to warn you that we were coming back” Stefan shrugged.

“why am I so tried all the time” I moaned aloud.

“it’s your system. You have been drinking human blood for 70 odd years, and have recently had a major amount and now you are only animal blood, you should adjust in a couple of days” Stefan shrugged.

“I’m just going to go to sleep, wake me up if anything exciting happens” I yawned and crashed out on the floor.


We had all gone to the Grill after I saved Damon. Stefan followed me as I went to the toilets to clean up slightly as I knew my face would be covered in smoke.

“another outfit ruined” Stefan joked hugging me.

“I know, maybe I should start buying clothes I hate so it doesn’t matter as much” I sighed.

“What’s wrong” he mumbled into my ear.

“this dress was my favourite” I shrugged looking at the dress that used to be white, but was now smoky grey.

“it will wash” he let go of me and I nodded. I splashed my face with water and wiped it slightly to get it clean.

“I hope it does otherwise I am booking a trip to Australia to get other one” I joked walking back out of the bathroom.

“the fire is out, the story goes that it was the old wiring of the place” Elena told Stefan and I.

“Did you see where Damon went” I asked her.

“no he kind of just disappeared” Elena frowned.

“figures, he is probably off killing someone right now” I sighed.

“I am so glad that you are ok” Elena hugged Stefan.

“I am glad that all three of you are ok” Elena smiled at me.

“well I am going to buy a drink, anyone coming” I announced.

“I have to go talk to Bonnie” Elena muttered and walked away.

“What’s up Stefan, your face is taking brooding to a whole new level” I smiled at him.

“I try so hard to hate him, I guess it is just pointless” he sighed.

“you care about him, so do I, it’s not pointless” I frowned.

“but I know the trouble he can cause, you said it yourself he is probably out killing someone, how can you ignore that” he questioned.

“because I love him Stefan, the same reason you ignore it” I sighed.

“what was the sigh for?” he asked fiddling with a piece of my hair.

“I just wished you two would stop hating each other , or pretending to hate each other. Stefan your my best friend and I love you, Damon is my boyfriend and I love him, is it so wrong for me to want you two to get along, to stop fighting for five minutes to see how much it hurts me to watch it” I started to cry.

“Marti, I’m sorry, if he wanted to stop then he could make it stop, it’s not me you need to tell” he hugged me and stroked my hair.

“then it will never stop, Damon will never stop and I am going to have to live with that for eternity. One day I am going to have to make a decision, you or him for good, because I cannot take much more of this, and I am sorry Stefan...” I sobbed.

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