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Where am I, its dark but light, this makes no sense.

“Marti, please wake up” someone begged, it was female but that is all I could tell.

“Marti, please” someone was shaking me.

“Bonnie” I croaked and blinked a few more times to make my eyes clear.

“thank god, it’s hard to tell when a vampire is... you know dead as you have no pulse and your face wasn’t veiny and this is all still so new” she rushed hugging me.

“well sorry to disappoint but I am as alive as a dead person can get” I smiled at her and she pulled me up.

“where are we” I looked around. I was in a toilet, nice place to be hidden in the middle of a kidnap.

“some woman and Ben are here, they are both vampires” she whispered and I nodded.

*Stefan POV*

“I’m going to go get you that aspirin” I smiled at Elena and walked out of her room towards the kitchen. This was my fault, I should have trusted Damon, and if not him then Marti. The worst part is she is not answering my calls. She could be blanking me, she could be hurt or I could be worrying for no reason. Damn Marti pick the phone up. Am I brave enough to try Damon, I pissed him off big time today and Elena could have paid the price. No I will leave that for when we are face to face, more time for him to cool down.

“you know you’re not staying the night” Jenna spoke. What, who is staying the night. I blinked a couple of times and realised she was talking to me.

“we are just going to hang out for a little while” I told her before she realised I had not been paying attention.

“you’re lucky I like you, keep the door open” she smiled at me then returned to her work.

“do you have an aspirin” I asked her remembering the reason I had come down.

“sure” she got up and walked over to the other side of the kitchen.

“oh hey Stefan” Jeremy smiled at me.

“where did she go?” Jeremy asked Jenna.

“she went to the bathroom” Jenna told him. Should I be worried about this too. Worry overload, I wish I could go back to the 60’s that was fun, no worrying there, except for what Damon and Marti were up to, but Marti controlled Damon most of the time.

“where did who go?” I asked, I needed to find out if this was a threat, another one.

“Jeremy has a friend over” Jenna told me. Well thank you Jenna, I couldn’t have worked that one out for myself.

“Anna” he told me and I froze. Anna was a common name, it wasn’t her, surly it wasn’t, I mean I know that she is back but...

“here you go” Jenna handed me the box and I ran off back up the stairs. Gone, Elena was gone. Damn it.

*Damon POV*

Pick up the phone Morticia, please. I sighed again as I paced back and forth, bourbon in one hand, phone propped up against my ear.

“Marti when you get this ring me back, or text me, I just need to know you are ok” I rushed down the phone, leaving the sixtieth voice mail message in ten minutes.

“Damon” Stefan shouted form the front door.

“not now Stefan” I snapped at him. This was his fault if he hadn’t of betrayed us then Marti would not be upset and she would not have ran off. First place I tried was the Grill and she wasn’t there, that is where she always runs off to which is why I am worried.

Still choosing you Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now