Chapter 7: Massacre on Mandalore

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A/N: Quick little context regarding Feral's attire, he's wearing what the Dark Apprentice clone of Starkiller is wearing in the dark side ending of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2. Also, this chapter is going to give closure on Korkie Kryze, something we didn't see in the Clone Wars, yes, he got knocked out by a Super Command in The Lawless but wasn't seen since. This chapter will show his story coming to an end. Anyway, story-wise, Korkie Kryze is going to lead a foolish and premature siege on Mandalore with the aid of an OC Jedi Master I've created— Shin Wen, in my mind's eye, she's a maverick Jedi, much like Quin-Gon Jinn, however, she's also a Jedi with a prestigious heritage within the Jedi Order. If this created character of mine was played by a live-action actress, it would be Michelle Yeoh. But anyway, with that little info out of the way, onwards to the next chapter!


Within the Jedi Temple, Grand Master Yoda, esteemed senators, Chancellor Padmé Amidala, along countless Jedi, including Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka were within the mausoleum, laying the slain Master Kit Fisto as well as Tiplee and Tiplar to rest.

"One with the Force, they are, and our job is to remember that we will in time also pass on. Luminous beings are we, but temporary vessels our bodies are, and we shall all find ourselves here, in time. A moment of silence I ask, to remember, and to move on," Yoda, who was walking, came to a stop and concluded. "Live for the living Jedi, we must. Live through us, forever they will." With a single tap of his cane, the three altars that held the three slain Jedi descended to their final resting place.

Eventually, the occupants in the mausoleum chamber began to disperse and go their separate ways, as Obi-Wan left the chambers, he once again felt the weight of failure resting on his shoulders, it was growing more burdensome than ever; had they moved quicker, they could've ended this cursed war and brought the Sith to justice. Despite dealing with the Zabrak brothers back on Florrum, Obi-Wan felt fear rising within him, both Maul and Savage had killed three esteemed Jedi with horrifying ease, and left unchecked, their powers would grow, and by the time the rest of the Jedi Order takes the threat of Maul seriously, it may be far too late.

"My condolences on the loss of your fellow Jedi, Master Kenobi,"

Turning to see Bo-Katan Kryze, Obi-Wan nodded in acknowledgment. "The longer this drags out, the more lives will be lost," shaking his head in frustration, the Jedi Master looked outside one of the nearby windows to see the city beyond the temple. "If the enemies of the Jedi and Republic are allowed to remain free, I fear what will transpire."

"Share your fears I do, Master Kenobi. Assisting you in this hunt for the Sith, Master Shin, and her Padawan will,"

Approaching his fellow Jedi and Mandalorian guest, Yoda was accompanied by one of the Jedi Order's most influential members-- Shin Wen. Her family has been part of the Jedi Order for ten generations, and she was not only flawless in every form of lightsaber combat but also in martial arts. Her brother, Zhou Wen is also one of the order's most powerful Jedi Masters, however, instead of living in the Jedi Temple, Zhou served as a warden for a secret prison known as The Prism, also known as the Ghost Prison, which contained fallen Jedi and other terrors that threaten the galaxy, yet were kept at bay by Master Zhou and a sizable number of clones that served both Wen siblings known as the Lotus Battalion, these clones were not only one of the first clone battalions to be created back on Kamino but every clone in this battalion was trained in Teräs Käsi, a form of hand-to-hand combat created to fight Force-sensitives.

"Master Wen, it's a privilege,"

"The privilege is mine, Master Kenobi," she replied with a smile.

"Destroy the Sith, we must. End the war, we must," Yoda turned to Bo-Katan. "Believe that Maul is on Mandalore, the Jedi Council does. Prove that this correct, we must."

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