Chapter 5: Turning point

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A/N: And we're back! I apologize for not uploading, again, the operating system for my laptop was down and I had to take it over to Geek Squad and get it sorted out. For this chapter, I'm bringing in a few characters from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PS2 edition, let's see if you can spot them. Let's not waste any more time, here we go!


The Senate was gathered within the Senate Chambers for an emergency election on who would take Palpatine's place as Chancellor of the Republic. Mas Amedda, despite his best efforts, tried to take Palpatine's place for the time being but was overruled by the Senate and members began to vote for those who they thought were better suited to lead the Republic out of the militaristic approach Palpatine had been running for. Ever since the sudden disappearance of Palpatine, the Senate had been planning on electing a new leader, all but ignoring Mas Amedda and Sly Moore who tried to keep the panicking senators calm and collective. Despite the need for a leader while the galaxy was gridlocked in a galactic-scale war, the Senate knew that whoever they elected as the new interim chancellor couldn't just be anybody, they would need a leader who sought to end the conflict that threatened to consume the entire galaxy and weed out corruption and injustice and help untold trillions who were suffering because of the Clone Wars.

Out of all the senators within the Republic Senate, three members received the highest votes: Bail Organa of Alderaan, Padmé Amidala of Naboo, and Nix Cerd of Scipio. Eventually, the election came to an end and Senator Amidala was elected Chancellor of the Galactic Republic in a ninety-nine point nine percent vote.

Many within the Senate were concerned that the esteemed senator from Naboo had been elected, a member of the InterGalactic Banking Clan would be the more logical choice as the one leading the Republic, especially since Senator Cerd was a member of the Banking Clan and Senate did know that they needed the Banking Clan to approve a new loan to the Kaminoans to purchase additional troops to replenish the Grand Army's numbers and so that the cloners on Kamino could build additional facilities and continue to further the Republic's army.

Regardless, Padmé was now Chancellor of the Republic, and she intended to end the war, not further escalate it.

As the session came to an end, Padmé was alongside her allies as they all walked together back to her office in the Senate Building. Once each of her allies were gathered, they were given drinks and once Padmé took her glass, she raised it. "I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your support and belief in me. As Chancellor of the Republic, I promise I will do everything in my power to end this war and bring the Republic back to what it once was," those gathered voiced their approval of Padmé's words and they drank.

"I can think of no one better suited to lead the Republic other than you, my friend," Bail Organa's words made Padmé smile, his support meant much to her.

"Agreed," Mon Mothma spoke up. "I believe you are precisely the leader to move the Republic away from war and back into peace and democracy."

"While I do wish the celebration of his election could last longer, I know that there's much to prepare for as I take on this new responsibility," Padmé was certainly no stranger to leading, after all, she was once queen of Naboo, but now her new role as Chancellor of the Republic would truly test her resolve in ways she couldn't possibly fathom.

Riyo Chuchio placed a hand on Padmé's shoulder and gave her a comforting smile. "We'll be by your side to aid you in any way we can, my friend. You need only ask," the senator from Pantora then grinned. "For now, enjoy the moment and relax."

"Indeed," Garm Bel Iblis agreed before noting movement at the door and speaking in a hushed tone. "Here comes the welcoming committee." Rival senators led by Senator Nix Cerd barged in, intent on souring the mood. Senator Garm stepped forward and spoke firmly. "I would advise you not to cause a scene, now is not the time or the place--"

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