Chapter 3: Preparations

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A/N: Alrighty, so things are gonna pick up here in this story and I hope you all are ready for it! I won't spoil anything, let's get to it!


Count Dooku looked to the skies and saw they were darkened by both his fleet and the fleet of General Grievous. The Kaleesh cyborgs' Sheathipede-class shuttle landed outside the palace, and the cyborg butcher himself emerged out of the shuttle, accompanied by two IG-100 MagnaGuards.

"General," Dooku greeted. "I trust that our probe droids have found some trace of Maul and Savage Opress out in the galaxy?"

Coughing, Grievous walked alongside Dooku as the two made their way into the palace. "One planet has revealed the strong presence of Mandalorian warriors who are preparing for war," handing Dooku the footage their probe droid had captured.

"Where was this footage taken?"

"On the swamp moon of Zanbar, it is located in the Outer Rim Territories," Grievous then growled softly. "It would seem Maul has enlisted the aid of these Mandalorians to his side, their armor is painted as Zabrak Nightbrother."

Snorting softly, Dooku remarked. "These Mandalorians are what remains of the Death Watch. They may be small in number, true, but they are not to be underestimated, General," he then gave the Kaleesh cyborg a firm glare. "Lead your troops to Zanbar at once and wipe out those loyal to Maul. Report back to me when it is done, and keep me informed of what else our probe droids discover, anyone associated with the Sith pretenders will meet their end. After Maul and his dim-witted brute of a brother, Savage is isolated, we will crush them like the insects that they are."

"Yes, my lord,"

"Do not underestimate our challengers, General," Dooku snapped sharply. "Our plans for this galaxy hang in the balance. We must move swiftly and strike precisely."

"I assure you, my lord, your faith in me will not be misplaced," Grievous bowed down to Dooku and continued. "Those associated with Maul and his brother will die."

"See to it, General," Dooku then headed back to the palace before continuing. "While you deal with Maul's Mandalorian rabble, I must now work to place a puppet leader in charge of the Galactic Republic, one that I will control to serve the interest of the Separatist cause."

Once Dooku was out of sight, Grievous snarled and whirled around before making his way back to his shuttle and then signaling his fleet. "All ships, prepare to jump into hyperspace. We have been given the task to eliminate a nest of Mandalorian warriors loyal to our Sith pretenders, Maul and Savage Opress," while boarding his shuttle, Grievous contacted the Invisible Hand's ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid, Tey-Zuka. "Prepare our troops to be deployed while we are in hyperspace. As soon as we arrive at Zanbar, we will deploy our troops into battle, and I will lead them."

"Yes, General,"

Once his shuttle had docked in the Invisible Hand's hangar deck, Grievous could see his droids preparing for battle and even loading droids in the Multi Troop Transports that were being loaded into the C-9979 landing crafts. While making his way to the bridge of his flagship, Grievous wondered whether Maul and Savage Opress was worth his time and effort, he always judged whether an opponent was worthy of his attention after facing them. However, according to Count Dooku, these two lowly Nightbrothers had killed Darth Sidious, and although Grievous had never seen the full extent of Sidious' power and evil, he knew that the fallen Sith Lord was a force to be reckoned with. And the fact that Maul and Savage Opress killed this powerful being told the Kaleesh cyborg that he was not facing Jedi, but he was facing beings that would do anything to obtain victory. Despite having many advantages over Force wielders, Grievous would heed Dooku's counsel and not underestimate the Nightbrothers who threatened him and Dooku.

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