Chapter 11: Fractured

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A/N: Sorry for the wait, but I've been busy. Anyway, here we are, so let's get to it.


Obi-Wan Kenobi was seated in his new quarters within the newly restored Jedi Temple on Tython. The Jedi Master was deep in meditation, seeking guidance from the Force during these dark, and trying times.

For six months, the Jedi were forced to do little to help the people of the galaxy as their troops and the Separatist droid army were occupying and slaughtering countless people throughout the galaxy. All this death was like a violent hurricane in the Force, and it was overwhelming. Many of the Jedi who had survived the attack on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant were enraged that the Jedi Council would stand idle and do nothing whilst the galaxy was eating itself alive and countless sentient beings were being snuffed out. The tensions between the Jedi Order rose to suffocating heights until finally, two Jedi by the name of Baylan Skoll and Taron Malicos led an uprising against the Jedi Council, damning them for their hubris, dogmatic idealism, and unwillingness to take action and save lives while the galaxy is being destroyed by this nightmare of the late Sith Lord, Darth Sidious. Many Jedi followed Skoll and Malicos, believing that the current Jedi Council is far too corrupt and too ignorant. This uprising led to a Jedi Civil War, hundreds of Jedi were killed because of this, and eventually, the uprising was quashed and only a handful of the treasonous Jedi were apprehended, as were the joint leaders— Skoll and Malicos. With these Jedi now agents of darkness and succumbing to the dark side, the Jedi Council agreed to send these traitors to the Ghost Prison simply known as The Prism to be incarcerated for their crimes against the Jedi Order.

Despite the bloodshed and death, the Jedi who fought against the traitors and survived had similar feelings that the traitors did towards the Jedi Council, especially a large number of the Knights and Padawans of the Order. Regardless, Grand Master Yoda and Master Windu were able to assume control and have burial ceremonies prepared for their fallen brothers and sisters.

Currently, in his meditation, Obi-Wan contemplated so many things, but the one thing that was at the forefront of his mind was Maul. The Dathomirian Zabrak had not been seen at all during the last six months, and that was a terrifying thought. Undoubtedly, Maul had been taking advantage of the chaos and death throughout the galaxy to expand his empire and grow more powerful, and yet despite his wishes to pursue Maul and bring him to justice, his requests were denied repeatedly by the Jedi Council, which served to vex the Jedi Master greatly.

Why would the Council deny the need to hunt down Maul and his brothers?

Have the Jedi truly fallen so far?

The Jedi have become the playthings of the Sith, and now, with their numbers severely depleted because of the clones' betrayal and because of the actions of Skoll and Malicos, the Jedi were stretched thin and if they were to act, it must be carefully planned and calculated.

Despite the now fractured Jedi Order operating at minimum capacity, there was still hope for the galaxy, Padmé and her allies in the Galactic Senate were currently on the planet of Alderaan, discussing a solution to end the mass violence and chaos throughout the galaxy. Clone Force 99 was the only clone unit that hadn't turned on the Jedi and the senators, and so they aided the Jedi and Republic Senate in any way that they could. Because of the atrocities committed by the clone and droid armies, millions of refugees were forced to leave their homes and seek life elsewhere. And of course, this only fueled the people's resentment towards the Jedi and Republic even more, the fact that their troops were slaughtering countless of their people and forcing them to flee their homes lit a raging inferno in the bellies of these refugees.

There were so many fires to put out, and the fact that the Jedi Council was being picky on which fires needed to be put out frustrated Obi-Wan even more.

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