Chapter 10: New allies

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A/N: And we're back! I'm not even gonna spoil anything, so let's get to it!

(Wild Space)

The Spirit of Vengeance, flagship of Darth Maul, emerged out of hyperspace, flanked by a dozen Mandalorian cruisers, and over two dozen Crimson Dawn Gozanti-class cruisers as well as other cruisers carrying thousands of Dawn soldiers.

It had been six months since the galaxy had been plunged into chaos, and after learning what was transpiring from the shadows, Maul had learned that this new chaos was one of his old master's contingency plans if he had died during the war. Whilst the galaxy was eating itself alive, it allowed Maul to grow stronger and reinforce his growing empire with troops, ships, resources, and allies. However, to ensure any further machinations his old master may have concocted for the galaxy don't come to pass, Maul hired some of the galaxy's deadliest bounty hunters to find and execute Palpatine's loyalists throughout the galaxy, and thanks to obtaining every scape of information and knowledge on his old master's contacts embedded in both the Republic and the Confederacy, Maul knew who he was dealing with and who needed to be killed first.

Dathomir had blossomed with rebirth in the last six months, thanks to Mother Talzin's power and her ability to perform necromancy, the witch mother was not only able to resurrect and restore life to every Nightsister who perished in Count Dooku's massacre, but also bring back those who were long dead. Despite being the rulers of Dathomir, the Nightsister's numbers were not enough to pose a threat to outside forces. During the months and prior to that, Mother Talzin had informed her sons that she was being summoned from a galaxy beyond their own galaxy, and whatever it was that was summoning her was Nightsister related. And so Maul ordered the construction of a ship large enough to store armies and able to perform intergalactic jumps. This ship had been constructed on the shipyards of Corellia, and thanks to Dawn soldiers working alongside the White Worms as well as the Unbroken Clan and Mourner's Wail crime syndicates, they were able to procure enough slave labor to see Mother Talzin's flagship to completion. This elegant, golden ship would be known as The Enchantress, it was shaped like a crescent moon and it had been provided with hyperdrives that were able of performing intergalactic hyperspace jumps.

With the criminal underworld under Maul's complete command, he would use it to his advantage, especially with the chaos ensuing throughout the galaxy. With the clones and droid armies causing violence and death throughout the galaxy, Maul used Crimson Dawn to not only provide these refugees and victims with food and protection, but also the opportunity to take up arms and strike back against the corrupt institutions that ruined their lives. This tactic was used throughout the galaxy, especially when Maul had used his allies like Drexl Roosh and his pirates as well a fierce faction of marauders known as the Bedlam Raiders, led by a Gen'Dai named Ravis. These two factions would play the role of aggressors as they sought to exploit refugees of what little they had after fleeing from the clone and droid armies that drove them from their homes. Crimson Dawn, however, would play the role of saviors, and by driving out the pirates and raiders, Crimson Dawn was viewed as saviors, and those who wanted to take up arms against the Republic and Confederacy joined Maul's ranks, further swelling his numbers.

Because of his commitment to completing his brother's training, Maul had made Dryden Cos the figurehead of Crimson Dawn, all operations regarding the criminal elements would be run by him in Maul's absence. To ensure the Crimson Dawn had a fleet that could be called upon, Maul had instructed Dryden to go to Canto Bight. One reason was to find potential partners who they could use to fund the production of fleet and second, Dryden had been instructed to host a lavish party and invite the galaxy's most notorious arms dealers to equip Dawn army with technology and weapons that will overshadow the clone and droid armies, but also to purchase anything that will give the Blood Star super weapon an edge. With Dryden on Canto Bight to introduce Crimson Dawn to the wealthiest beings in the galaxy, the other crime syndicates were continue their criminal activity to maximize profit, whether it was producing raw spice, creating more addictive death sticks, or smuggling illegal weaponry or anything else of value. The profit that would be amassed from these operations would lead to the destruction of all who challenged Maul and his family.

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