Chapter 12: Revelations

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A/N: Unfortunately, we're nearing the end of this story, and things are going to get very heated! I won't keep you waiting, onwards!


The Marauder exited hyperspace and was approaching Kamino. Clone Force 99, accompanied by Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Shaak Ti, along with their students was sent to not only discover a way to break the clones' programming but regain control over them. During the months of chaos and anarchy across the galaxy, Tech discovered that the clones had organic chips built into their genetic code, and after removing his chip and the chips inside his brothers, Tech also learned that these chips contained contingency orders in them, and one of these orders was to eliminate the Jedi. As Clone Force 99 shared this revelation with Chancellor Amidalla and her allies, she had sanctioned an operation to go to Kamino and discover any further evidence to prove that the clones were victims of the late Chancellor Palpatine, or rather, Darth Sidious.

Now, as the Bad Batch approached Tipoca City, Hunter approached the Jedi accompanying him and his brothers. "Once we land, we're going to have to hide you away in some containers and make it seem that we're here for a resupply of rations, explosives, and other supplies," he then continued. "As soon we're inside the city, we'll need to find solid evidence that suggests that some of the Kaminoans are responsible for what's happening right now and we'll need to find a way and shut down the inhibitor chips of every clone, galaxy-wide."

"I already have a plan for that," Tech remarked over his shoulder as he piloted the ship to the nearest hangar bay. "Since Order 66 and other contingency orders had been activated when the late Chancellor Palpatine was already deceased, I suspect that someone was able to replicate Palpatine's voice and broadcast the order to eliminate the Jedi and Senate on from anywhere in the galaxy. We will do the same thing here if all else fails."

"Ha! This is gonna be fun!" Wrecker exclaimed as placed his helmet on top of his head and began opening the supply crates and looking at the Jedi and grinning. "Who's first?"

Once the Marauder landed inside the city, the Bad Batch disembarked and to their relief, none of the clones were stopping to question where they had been or what it was they were bringing into the city. Eventually making it to a nearby armory, the Bad Batch switched their weapons to stun, knocking out their brothers and opening the supply crates for the Jedi to come out of.

"Alright, now that we're inside the city, what now?"

Turning to Maris Brood, Hunter looked to the ceiling and noticed one of the emergency access hatches. "You lot should take that way to avoid unnecessary confrontation with the regs. The rest of us will divide and conquer as we look for strong evidence to prove that the clones are victims of a Sith plot. Tech and I search the Genetics Records Hall, Wrecker and Crosshair will find Lama Su or Nala Se, while the rest of you look for evidence as well. Any questions?"

"What happens if we are discovered?" Sha Koon inquired.

"Don't get killed," Crosshair deadpanned before giving the group a firm nod. "Let's go."

As the group split up, the Bad Batch walked together for the time being, and as they walked past several squads of regs, scores of Kaminoans, and medical droids, they spotted Nala Se heading to her private lab with a young girl by her side.

"Wrecker. Crosshair. Get any information you can out of her."

The two nodded and caught up to Kamino's chief scientist and the girl by her side before the four entered an elevator that led to Nala Se's lab. Once in the lift, both Wrecker and Crosshair raised their blasters at Nala Se, surprising her. "Don't even think about calling the security detail," Crosshair said cooly. "If you want to live, you'll do exactly what we say."

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