Chapter 6: Plans set in motion

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A/N: The feedback you guys have given here makes me want to write more, so here we are! Onwards to the next chapter, it's gonna be action-packed!

(Unknown location)

Elsewhere in the galaxy, Mother Talzin had parted ways with her newly formed Sith Pureblood allies who had left to inform their brethren and sect of the ongoing Kaggath between Maul and Count Dooku. Since that time, she had been experiencing visions or rather, someone calling out to her from across the stars, beyond the galaxy they lived in. Whatever it was that called out to her from afar, it was based on Nightsister magick. In time, Talzin knew that she would need to act upon those visions and answer to whoever was calling to her from beyond the known galaxy.

Now, the Great Mother of Dathomir was with her Frangawl cult allies on a distant planet, deep in the barren wasteland of the planet, the cultists and Nightsister matriarch had sacrificed Queen Julia, ruler of Bardotta. With the combination of the Bardotta matriarch's spirit and her dark magicks, Talzin had been made whole and she was now more powerful than any Sith or Jedi. The ritual had drained Queen Julia of everything, leaving her a withered husk left to rot in the barren waste of the planet they were on.

Now made whole and her power greater than ever before, Talzin turned to Merrin, who had been escorted to her by Brother Viscus and his Nightbrothers, and had the young Nightsister approach her. "With this power my child, we will return our fallen sisters to life, true life," turning to her cultist allies, she boomed. "Bring me the coffin!" The Fangawl cultist fetched the coffin that held Feral, the youngest of Talzin's sons, and brought it before her and Merrin.

"This is the youngest of your progeny?"

"Yes, Feral is the last of my sons," opening the coffin and placing a hand on his forehead, Talzin smiled softly. "He was the weakest, but now that I possess power beyond anything the Sith and Jedi could comprehend, I will make Feral strong and equal among his brothers." Closing her eyes, Talzin began to chant while encapsulating Feral in Spirit ichor, lifting the corpse out of the coffin and into the air. Merrin, who had been tutored on the very ritual of necromancy that Talzin was performing aided the Great Mother of Dathomir as the two Nightsisters worked to restore Feral to life.

Soon enough, Feral's once decayed and withered skin was restored; his orange skin and black tattoos were vibrant, the once small horns on his scalp grew in size, and his body mass was that of a warrior's. His mouth suddenly opened and soon enough, he let out a ferocious roar that would frighten anyone.

"Behold, the power of necromancy, my friends!" Talzin proclaimed with a wicked grin to the Fangawl cultist bearing witness to the ritual. "The power of life and rebirth is mine to command!" 

Merrin began concocting a different spell as she began to clothe the naked Feral in a new attire. The youngest of Talzin's sons was soon dressed in black robes, the silver forearm gauntlets he wore in his days in the Nightbrother village were restored yet were enchanted, as was the neck collar around his neck and armored boots. Now fully clothed, Merrin shifted her focus to awaken Feral's physical strength as well as his strength in the Force. After the ritual was complete, both the Great Mother and Merrin lowered Feral until he was standing straight. Approaching her son, Talzin touched him between his eyes. Within seconds, Feral awoke, his once pale yellow eyes were replaced by dark amber mixed with crimson.


Talzin enveloped her youngest son in her arms, cooing. "Welcome back, my son," breaking the embrace she started, the Great Mother placed a hand on his cheek. "Can you sense your brothers?"

Closing his eyes, Feral allowed the Force to flow through him, his bond with Savage was strong, and he sensed him far from where they were. His eyes opened when he sensed another familiar presence, one he had not felt since he was a child. "Maul has returned to us?" Talzin nodded in confirmation. "How? He was lost, was he not?"

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