Chapter 4: Revelation

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A/N: I have a surprise in this chapter, you'll see towards the end of the chapter!


The Negotiator, flagship of Obi-Wan Kenobi emerged out of hyperspace and was greeted by a small fleet of Mandalorian cruisers and over four dozen MC80 Liberty-type Star Cruisers bearing the symbols of Clan Kryze as well as other Mandalorian clans that opposed the idea of Maul ruling Mandalore. On the bridge of the Venator was Master Kenobi, along with his ship's admiral, Block.

"General, is it wise seeking the aid of... terrorists? After all, Bo-Katan and her followers were once part of Death Watch, and they are certainly no friend to the Republic,"

Turning to his ship's admiral, the Jedi remarked softly. "Yes, I am well aware that Bo-Katan and those who joined her are former members of Death Watch, and I am aware their hands are stained with the blood of countless innocent lives. However, if they were willing to atone for their crimes by helping us bring Maul to justice, then so be it," he then spoke firmly. "Contact the lead Mandalorian vessel." Nodding, Admiral Block ordered the crew to contact the Mandalorian fleet. Soon enough, their call was answered by the man in command of the fleet orbiting Kalevala.

"This is Fenn Rau, Protector of Concord Dawn and Fleet Commander. State your business here."

Bowing his head in greetings, the Jedi Master spoke. "This is Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Jedi Order, I am here to have words with Lady Bo-Katan Kryze and broach the terms of an alliance with her and the Mandalorians who follow her," he then smiled softly. "I have an elite task force assembled that is comprised of the Jedi Order's finest and that of the Grand Army of the Republic. I now wish to speak with Lady Bo-Katan and discuss how she and her people will aid us in bringing down our common foe."

"Of course, you are clear to pass our blockade, Master Jedi," Fenn Rau then added. "But you must come down alone, you have my word as an honorable Mandalorian that your ship and the men under your command will not suffer harm from our fleet."

"Very well, I shall come alone. Please inform Lady Bo-Katan that I will be arriving shortly," after ending transmission with Fenn Rau, the Jedi Master made his way to the hangar bay, his troops and the maintenance clones stationed on board his ship all up and about. While approaching his starfighter, he was approached by Cody and Delta Squad. "Ah, Cody. You and the others stay here, there will be time for action soon enough."

"Yes, sir," Cody then spoke respectfully. "Forgive me, sir, but I'm worried about our... alliance with Bo-Katan and her followers. The Death Watch are no friend to the Republic and the Jedi."

"I second that, sir," Boss said.

Grunting in agreement, Sev crossed his arms across his chest. "Why bother dealing with that woman? Last I checked, she's part of the reason that Maul and his brother are in control of Mandalore," Delta Squad's marksman shook his head. "I have a bad feeling that they'll stab us in the back."

"Though I am not blind to the possibility of Bo-Katan and her Mandalorians turning on us, we must also acknowledge the fact that she seeks to make amends. Even if our agendas do not fully align, Bo-Katan's resistance could prove to be strong allies as we seek to apprehend Maul and his brother," Obi-Wan remarked before addressing his commander and Delta Squad. "Keep an eye on the fleet outside. Should anything happen, alert me."

"Understood, sir, you can count on us," Cody then turned to Delta Squad. "As you were." Boss and his fellow squadmates nodded to the 212th commander before returning to their posts. Walking alongside the Jedi Master, the clone commander inquired further. "Is there anything else you need, sir?"

"No, Cody. I should be back shortly. Just keep an eye on that Mandalorian fleet for me and have all troops at the ready in case they attack," nodding, Cody made his way to the bridge to coordinate with the ship's admiral. While approaching his starfighter, Obi-Wan could see his droid waiting for him, beeping in question. "That's right, R4, you and I are going down to the planet below to have words with Bo-Katan, it shouldn't take too long." Once inside the cockpit, the Jedi fired up his fighter's engines and flew out of the hangar deck, and made his way to the planet below.

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