Chapter 13: All part of the plan

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A/N: This is where the fun begins!

(Skako Minor)

A massive Separatist armada arrived at Skako Minor, where the Techno Union was based and had continued producing new and advanced battle droids in the six months of chaos and anarchy. This fleet that emerged from hyperspace bore the colors of Admiral Trench, the spider like admiral had watched the droid army's programming had turned and put many sentients to the slaughter, including Separatist citizens. Thankfully, the Harch admiral was clever enough to have his army reprogram themselves so that they wouldn't succumb to such compromise. With his droid army still loyal to him, Trench went across the galaxy as he fetched Separatist warlords who managed to escape their respective droid armies from eliminating them and trying rebuild the assets they had lost.

Now as these remaining warlords arrived at Skako Minor, they took transports to Purkoll, the city where the Techno Union was operating and was now under new leadership. A young Skakoan and grandson of the late Wat Tambor, his name was Jul Tambor. As these Separatist warlords convened with the Techno Union's new leader, they all gathered together and discussed the state of the droid army as a whole.

"It would seem that the late Chancellor Palpatine played us all for fools. He used the droids and the Republic's clones to ravage the galaxy even in death." Huffed a Trandoshan warlord.

"Yes. But now that the Republic's late chancellor and our own leaders, Count Dooku and General Grievous dead, we are presented with an opportunity to win the Clone Wars in a way of our choosing," the super tactical droid, General Kalani, stated. "My army did not turn on me when their programming was compromised, and thanks to the efforts of Jul Tambor and the Techno Union, we have spliced into the entire droid army battle net and reverted their programming. Now they will come here to aid us in finishing this war for the glory of the Separatist Alliance."

Chittering, Admiral Trench spoke next. "While I agree with your proposal, General Kalani, our greatest threat at this time is not the Republic, but rather this... Darth Maul," stroking the fur on his right chelicerae, the spider like admiral brought up reports over the months and the hologram displayed warriors from Mandalorian Super Commandos, enforcers in sleek black and gilded armor fighting alongside the legendary warrior race, along with criminal enforcers in machines of war from mech suits and large, hulking warriors in sleek armor wielding crimson vibroblades to electro hammers. "This... collective of warriors and criminals have been allowed to flourish and become a strong, unified force while both galactic powers have been putting out the fires of anarchy and chaos. We must eliminate this threat if we wish to turn our droid armies on the Republic and its Jedi and clone protectors."

Jul Tambor, who was hosting this gathering tilted his head in curiosity. "And what do you propose, admiral?"

"This third factions greatest assets are its Mandalorian warriors. If we could deploy the full might of our resources to Mandalore, we could crush it overnight, and rip away a very powerful planet from Darth Maul's grasp. Not only as vengeance on behalf of our leaders and council, but also for our own sake." Chittering, Trench's cybernetic eye extended as he brought up a holo map of the Mandalore system. "Undoubtedly, Mandalore is a well secured planet by now, and rightfully so. Ever since the Republic's failed siege some time ago, the Mandalorians alliance the thousands of neutral systems will have no doubt joined forces to prepare for another invasion. But when we invade, we will hold nothing back!"

"You are proposing we unleash the reserve armies that Dooku held back," another Separatist warlord huffed.

"Yes," Trench confirmed, chittering before turning back to the holographic display of Mandalore. "It's true, the Mandalorians are without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest warrior race in the galaxy, we have numbers. And we will overwhelm them with millions of battle droids."

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