chapter 3

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(y/n) POV

Once out of the shower, I did my night routine and put on my pajamas. That is, shorts and a t-shirt, all covered with an oversize hoody. I then went up the stairs, being careful not to make too much noise, in case the little cat came home to eat I don't want to scare him more than he already is the poor one.

Once I got downstairs, I went discreetly towards the kitchen, I was incredibly careful in opening and closing the door making sure not to make it slammed because of the wind that it was a little engulfed in the house. I followed, heading to the living room slowly trying to tenderly to see if the little cat was eating, and to my surprise he ate, or rather, devoured his bowl. When he had finished and licked it, making it shiny, with no trace of tuna left. Then the little cat raised his head and fixed his beautiful blue eyes in my (e/c) eyes, close to leaping if I made a movement too abrupt. "Looks like you're still hungry kitty, when was the last time you ate?" I said aloud without waiting for an answer.

It was there that the little cat left an almost inaudible meow. Surprise, I stopped, then I laughed a little 'it's me or he just answered me' I thought while I went to get the rest of the can of tuna in the fridge. I put the contents of the box on another plate and went to the cat, always very suspicious when I saw myself arriving. Once there was at least a meter away from the cat and me, I crouched gently so as not to make any sudden movement. He flinched a little when he saw me dragging the bowl in his direction, he looked at me, then the bowl and finally, he approached the bowl gently, ready to pounce if I moved. He sniffed the food that was in front of him, perhaps to make sure it was edible?

I looked at him with a good smile, "Don't worry, it's fish, you can eat without fear," I said. He looked up at me and then he started eating the contents of the bowl with a big clogged (I don't really know if it's said hehe). "You really starve my poor man, eat as much as you want, I have other boxes if you are still hungry after that," I said, still with my smile on my face. He reminds me of the first times my old cat, Alois, ate in my presence, he was extremely nervous too. 'I miss him' I thought, showing a melancholy look at the memory of my old cat. While I was lost in my memory the little Siamese cat began to relax as he emptied his bowl.

That is when I noticed he didn't have a collar, he didn't have an owner, I wondered if I'd have to look at if he has a tattoo, if he has one... I will have to try to take him to a vet to have him identified... but for that I'll have to catch it already, I thought to myself. "Where do you come from buddy?" I asked him without waiting for an answer from him. but again, the cat raised his head and meowed again, 'it's too cute, it looks like he understands what I'm saying, and he answers me' I say in my head softened by the little being in front of me. "You're not a cat like the others, it looks like, isn't it kitty?" I said with a laugh a little.

I interrupted, not by the cat this time, but a big draft that hit my face "shit!" I exclaimed when I got up to close the window door of the living room, preventing the rain from soaking the floor. When I turned around, I saw that the cat was no longer standing in front of his bowl. 'Oh no I scared him' I thought to myself. I began to look for a can 'maybe he's hiding under the table', I said as I knelt on the floor to check and I saw him hiding under the table, curl up on himself near the table foot. "I'm sorry Kitty, I didn't want to scare you, excuse me if you like it" I said to her in a sorry tone. I stood for a moment, my gaze plunge into his, we rest like that at least two minutes before I look at the clock hanging on the wall in front of me. 9:44 p.m. was displayed.

'I'm not too late to go to bed I thought' I thought 'since the cat is in my house, I have to find him a little corner out of sight' that's when I remembered the little cat tree of Alois that was in the garage. 'Maybe the cat will be 'happy' to be able to sleep in there' I thought 'well I haven't touched it since his death, so there must still be its smell but could be that it goes reassuring' I thought when I got up. "Don't move, I'll get you something so you can sleep in it" I announced as I got up, leaving the kitchen to go into the garage.

I was at the shelves, looking for something "that's it, I found it!" I exclaimed as I pulled out a cardboard box. I put it on the ground and opened it, it was the old house of Alois that I had kept after his death two months ago. There was still his blanket laying on the floor of the cat house. I wiped it a little to remove the dust that was accumulating above, and I took out the blanket to wash it in the laundry room and replace it with a clean blanket for the little cat that was waiting for me in the living room. Once the box was cleaned, I took it and directed me to the living room.

(imagine this box, without the chat and with the name of Alois written on it)

When I arrived in the living room, I saw that the cat had left his hiding place under the table to explore the room, and by the time the door closed, he quickly went to hide under the nearest sofa

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When I arrived in the living room, I saw that the cat had left his hiding place under the table to explore the room, and by the time the door closed, he quickly went to hide under the nearest sofa. I gently approached the sofa and placed the box next to it. "Here, I went to get you this. It belonged to my old cat, but you can use it to sleep tonight" I say to him looking under the sofa where I saw his big eyes reflecting the light of the lamp.

"Good night Kitty," I said, rising. Arriving in the kitchen, I saw that it was 10:30 p.m. 'I'm tired, I'm going to go to bed, and I'll work on the order tomorrow' I thought when entering my room before slipping under my duvet.

Hi guys I really hope you like this book.

Je vous aime!!! (I love you in French)

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