chapter 14

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(y/n) pov

Finally the end of the day, I will be able to go home and start working on the project that we have to hand in in two weeks. I'm very excited to do it, the teacher told us to use one tool to create a scene from a movie we studied in art history. She left the choice of medium up to us, but for the moment I still don't know what I'm going to use, I'd like to find something quite original, not just a pencil or a pen, I'd like to get out of my comfort zone a bit.

Thinking about what to do next, I headed to the campus parking lot to get my car. 'I need to do the grocery' said to myself once I got behind the wheel of my car before starting it and leaving the campus. I set off in the direction of a small town not too far from where I study, there was a small grocery store here that I like. Parking right in front of the medium sized store, I took a bag to carry my stuff and went through the automatic doors. I was greeted by a lady in her fifties with short black hair down to her ears and emerald green eyes. "Good evening (y/n), how are you? I haven't seen you for a long time! Said such in a warm and affectionate voice. "Good evening Mis Hein, I am living well and you? I answered "I'm fine, you know the routine.

I came out of the store with a full bag that I carried with some difficulty due to its weight. "I think I'll try to get a job to make up for it, with the purchases I've made in the last few days I'm emptying my bank account faster than it's filling up!" I said in frustration, my hands gripping the steering wheel of my car as I drove. "I'm going to try to post the painting tomorrow so I can get the payment, that should make up for it a little, but if I keep the dog, I'll either have to increase my production rate or work. But in both cases, I have to move, and I have to find time to take care of my studies too!!..." I'm screaming in my car, it's only Tuesday and I already feel like it's at least Thursday I'm tired!

I took the key out of my car and opened my door to get out and get my things, I made my way to the front door. I grabbed my keys and went inside, but I got a weird feeling, something is wrong I think. I think I'm getting paranoid' I said to myself as I went into the kitchen to put my things down but the feeling was getting stronger. I then went to the living room to see if the animals were there, but, to my great surprise.... No one was, the couch was empty and so was their bed. Where did they go?' I thought to myself, the dog couldn't leave the couch yesterday and now he's walking around the house?

Bim*... a noise sounded in the house, a noise that came from my room! I could feel cold sweat running down my back and my heart started to race. I rushed upstairs, where the noise was coming from, without really knowing why. It was as if my body had moved on its own without my mind, totally panicked, doing anything about it. I have never climbed my stairs as fast as I did today but I felt like I was going on and on, like I was treading water, and with each step I went up I could feel my heart beating even faster and my breath catching, 'what the fuck is this?

After finally arriving at the top, I saw that all the doors of each of the rooms were open, 'it's burglars, I'm going to get killed, why did I go upstairs, why didn't I call the police as a person stopped! While practicing, I went to the first door that was in front of me, the one of the parent's room that has been abandoned for a long time. It must be more than 4 years since my parents came here, and I don't think they plan it. The door was ajar and I could see that the curtains had been opened. I took a deep breath and grabbed the cold handle with a trembling hand 'shit, shit, shit !!!!' which I kept repeating to myself just before I opened the door but nothing. I went to look in the bathroom but nothing either.

I went to the next door, which was my own room. "I beg you, please don't let anything happen to my computer, I have all my classes if it disappears I'm screwed" I said to myself as I opened the door but what I saw took my breath away. My computer was still on my desk but there was a slight problem... there were naked men lying on my bed, probably sleeping. I put my hands in front of my mouth so he wouldn't hear me, but that didn't stop me from making noise. I was so shocked that I stumbled backwards and ended up sitting on the floor in front of my room, my eyes wide with fear. Unfortunately I was not discreet enough and I saw one of the two men suddenly stand up and look for the source of the noise. His hazel eyes finally locked onto mine.

I quickly noticed that something was wrong with him, he was already completely naked, but I could see two grey cat ears emerging from his blond hair, and I was stunned when they started to move. Unfortunately for me, the man tried to get up and come towards me, I was absolutely terrified 'what the hell is this, who is this crazy guy!' I said to myself as I backed away, still on the ground. Seeing me like this, the... the man with weird ears, started to get up and tried to stand up, he looked a little worried and panicked but the moment he started to walk towards me, I didn't control it and started to scream.

The cat man covered his ears before looking at me but I didn't give him the luxury to speak "who are you, what are you doing in my house and most of all WHY ARE YOU NAKED!?!?" I started to yell at them, head down for fear of seeing something I really didn't want to see! The man who had stayed in my bed must have woken up by now, I could hear the sheets moving in the bed and heading towards me and that's when I heard a surprisingly deep voice. "Calm down, we don't want to hurt you okay eh... how can I put this... let us explain" he said with a hint of panic in his voice "you can look up, we've covered ourselves... just please listen to us (y/n)" said a voice that was higher pitched than the first one and more melodious, his voice was calm but a little nervous. Fearful, I slowly raised my head with my eyes still wide open and that's when I saw that he was indeed covered. But a question remained in my head

'How did they know my fucking name?'

Hi everyone, here is a new chapter I hope you like it!
It took me a long time to write it even if it's short but with the vacations and the fact that I'm going to become an auntie (yes !!!!) I don't have much time nor idea for this chapter.
I plan to give you some black and white illustrations of what the hybrids look like. For those who are wondering, I drew them but I just drew them out from a picture, I just made the shadows 😅
I give you kisses and happy vacations!!!

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