Chapter 15

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(Y/n) pov

I was sitting on my desk chair in front of two men with animal ears. The taller one had light brown and fluffy hair, he had brown eyes as well where you could see calm and softness. He had fine facial features, he was what one could call a handsome man. I could see between his hair strands, dog ears, the same as the dog I had collected. The other man next to him, the one who had come to me first, was blond with long hair reaching to the base of his neck. He also had eyes of a sweet barn, full of stars and joy, even if for the moment it was not what one could see. He had a smaller face and a lighter skin, and lips drawn. He also had ears but they looked like cat ears. She was of a rather ashy color and was standing straight on her head, attentive. Unlike his friend, he had a lot of freckles on his face, scattered on his skin like paint spots.

The atmosphere was tense and silence reigned in the room, I do not know for how long we sat looking at each other, but it seemed too long to be true! Who are you, what are you and what are you doing in my house !!!!!" I said to them shouting, this situation is going to drive me crazy "and why are you naked!" The two men flinched when I raised my voice, their ears pulled back to the back of their heads and their eyes frightened. Seeing this, I calmed down, he really reminded me of the two animals I had recently collected. I got up suddenly in a panic "my god where are the animals, nothing happened to them? The dog was injured, and if someone had kidnapped them, what-" the young man with the dog ears interrupted me in my panic with a very calm voice "please, (y/- miss, sit down, we will explain, calm down".

The man with the deep voice began to speak, "This is going to sound very strange, but please let me finish before asking your questions, okay?" I nodded and waited for him to continue his story. "To begin with, your pets are fine, they are safe for the simple reason that we are your pets. I am the cat you call Sunshine, and my friend is the injured dog. My name is Felix and he is Seungmin and we are what is called hybrids, a mixture between an animal and a human, we were created in a laboratory and I don't think it's very common to meet them, I want to conceive it hehe..." I was speechless at what I had just heard, hybrids, what is that. "We-" I interrupted the young man "I want proof" I said in a firm voice "I want proof that you are the animals I took in, you may very well be psychopaths who have watched me and heard me call my cat."

The two men looked at each other before the man with the cat ears took a breath before answering me "you collected a male cat one day of rain, this cat, me, is a Siamese cat with blue eyes. You came to your garden with an umbrella and a light to see what was going on, and I scratched your hand out of fear. Then you left your umbrella out of the bush and left your door window open so I could get in. You even gave me something to eat when you came back down." After he stopped talking, I was speechless, unable to say anything. This guy said everything that happened in detail in several, if he was watching me, how could he have seen that I got scratched or even that it was a male Siamese cat!

The man with dog ears spoke "I'm the dog youcollected after Felix or Sunshine drove you to where I was lying in theforest." ok, there it's really weird, even if it was already basic"you'll excuse me, it's a lot of information digested, I'm going to go andhave a glass of water" I say in a weak voice, I had so much in mind that my head isspinning, how can you look so serious and calm when you tell me that you areput man half animal ?!? At the same time, how can they know all this, what kindof sick person would be able to follow me and spy on me like that!! I'm not aninteresting person though, I mean, I spend three-quarters of my free timedrawing and the rest sleeping! But there's something wrong, their ears move atthe slightest noise in my room, and I don't see how it's possible

While trying to get up, the world around me turned very fast, too fast for my taste and my legs failed to make enough effort to support the weight of my body and I felt gravity approaching me to the ground. However before I felt my body on the hard ground, two arms muscled me up my waist and back, holding me back in my position. "It's okay (Y/n)!? you're not hurting anywhere? Seungmin you can go to the kitchen to bring him a green of water please? Hearing his words, this Seungmin, got up and left the room so that I could hear you go down the stairs. And I noticed when he went through the door that in addition to the ears he also had a dog tail coming out of his lower back. 'my god, they have a tail too' I thought to myself.

My glass of water in my hand, I was sitting again in front of the two men "well, let's say I believe you, let's say that you are hybrids and that these tails and his ears are true, so how do you change yourself into animals?" I say to them with an amused air "excuse me but it's not rational" I chained with a more serious air. And the moment I finished my sentence, felix got up, I looked around so as not to see ... his intimate parties and when I looked in the direction of the other man, he told me to look at him. And to my surprise, when I turned my head, I saw only a Siamese cat with blue eyes sat in front of me. "Do you believe us now? we are all able to do that," said Seungmin, who turned into a dog before I turned my head and came to sit next to his furry friend.

"holly shit" I say aloud holding my head with one hand with a frustrated and disturbed look. "well, there I believe you, ok ... excuse me for my attitude, understand me, it's quite hard to believe. Hahaha ..." The two men looked at me with a small smile before forgiving me. "But can I ask you a question?" I asked them, sitting down, "Is that ... are you... the only hybrids? "No, from what we know, we are 8 hybrids, all men. Then Felix continued "in truth, we all come from a laboratory, and we escaped from a truck, they are all somewhere" the young hybrid cat raised his head and launched a hopeful look with his ears straight on his head. "(Y/n) I have confidence in you, we have confidence in you, so, I give you extra help us find them, please", he said to me with an open air but eyes full of hope.

"That's okay, I'm willing to help you. But before all that, you're going to have to find clothes because I don't want two men to walk around naked at my house, we're going to have to establish some basis too", I told them, "You want to take a bath or eat something first?"

Hey people, I'm for my absence and the long wait. There's a lot of change going on right now in my life and I'll say it's going almost too fast for me. I'm finding it harder and harder to find inspiration, however I don't want to stop this book, so I apologize in advance but I don't think I can keep a normal rhythm, especially with the start of the school year. I'm sorry

I would also like to thank you, I have more and more reader and the few comments I receive make me happy thank you again

I also made "drawing" of Felix and Seungmin in hybrid (it's more decaling than anything else)I had a lot of problem with the drawing of seungmin who did not want to register so I had to take a picture of my computer sorry I put them in the chornological order so it is normal if the first drawing is ugly)

I also made "drawing" of Felix and Seungmin in hybrid (it's more decaling than anything else)I had a lot of problem with the drawing of seungmin who did not want to register so I had to take a picture of my computer sorry I put them in the chornol...

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Have a good day / night guys !!! Thanks again for everything thing

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Have a good day / night guys !!!
Thanks again for everything thing

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