chapter 8

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After a good hour of walking, I arrived home and I thank all the forces of the universe for making me forget to close the window door of the living room in my haste. I already had enough trouble opening the door of my garden, fortunately for me that the lock was at the level of my hands, otherwise I do not know how I would have done to open it ... especially while carrying a dog that had to be within 20 kg and injure. I had to take a lot of break during my little trip, he slipped in my hands and I had to catch my breath a little, I'm not used to ride with 20 kilos in my arms. Besides, the fact that he was hurt it didn't really help, I tried as much as possible not to hurt him, not to touch his leg but he yelped, and I apologized at least three times.

Once I went through the door, I went straight to the couch to lay the dog down, but before that, I pulled a blanket on the couch to lengthen it. It was still clean and honestly, I don't really want to wash the sofa covers while they are still clean. Once well spread, I placed it as delicately as possible the dog on the blanket trying not to move his injured leg too much, but when his body went down into the sofa he let escape a little cry of pain. "I'm so sorry, excuse me !!!!!" I told him hurriedly and that's when I reached out to stroke him. To my surprise it is let it happen. He had a soft but slightly rough coat at the same time, probably because of the dirt that was accumulated between his hairs. "My poor friend, don't worry, okay? I'm going to take care of you" I said to him, plunging my gaze into his soft eyes, displaying a small smile on my face.

I stayed to caress him for a while, waiting for him to put his head on the couch, right next to the little cat that was standing next to his friend, huddled against him purring. "I'll see if I don't have something for your wound, I'll come right back to agree? kitty, you take care of him, I count on you, and if there is anything ... Well... You meow loudly, okay? I announced when I got up, more by questioning the end of my sentence. As usual, the cat answered me with a meow to tell me that he agreed with what I said. After that, I went to the bathroom that was in the hallway to look for the first aid kit and arrive in the room, I started rummaging through the whole closets of the small bathroom. But I ended up after a few moments to find, after making a big mess hehe ... With the first aid kit in hand, I headed back to the living room, leaving a battleground of towels behind me. I will put this away later, I have more important to do now.

Once passed a door overlooking the living room, I saw that the two animals had not moved since my departure, they were always huddled against each other, lying on the cover. Their heads turned at the same time in my direction as soon as I set foot in the room. When I saw me, Sunshine looked away at the dog, but he followed me with his eyes until I found myself in front of him. I crouched in front of the dog that was on the couch, placing the first aid kit on the coffee table, preparing bandages, disinfectant, and some compresses. Then I turned to his leg to look more at his wound ' It will be better cleanse the hairs around the wound, and potentially cut them if they bother me too much' I thought when inspecting the clumps of hair stuck by the blood dry. "I'm coming back, I'm right next door I'm going to get two or three things that might be useful to me" I said before going into the kitchen.

I first took an empty bowl of clean tea towels and scissors, which I deposited on a tray while I heated some water. Once the water was a little hot, even lukewarm, I filled the bowl and grabbed the tray to go back to the other room. I then gently dropped it on the coffee table and crouched in front of the wounded leg of the young dog, which remained silent. I then plunged the towel into clear water before gently patting around the pan to clean as much hair tangled between them. But even though he was very delicate, the dog yelped as soon as the towel touched him, every time he made a little noise, I apologized and tried to be even more delicate. As I cleaned the fur, I could see that she was blonde when you're better I'd have to give you a bath.' I knew myself by plunging the towel into the water browned by the blood and the dirt.

Once I was satisfied, I took the scissors to remove the hairs around the wound to free it as much as possible and give easier access. Every time the dog barked because I pulled a little too much and it hurt him, I little cat would drill his head against his friend and lick him to comfort him and help him with the pain. I looked at them with a look that mixed pity and tenderness. I looked away to refocus on what I was doing, cutting out the tangled hair and blocking access to the wound. When the wound was clear, the took a compress that I soaked with disinfectant and I said to the dog "Be careful, it's going to sting a little, I apologize in advance" just before tapping the cut with. On contact with the cold compress, the dog let out a small cry of pain louder than any he had done before. "I'm really sorry I don't like to see you suffer, but it's almost over" I said to him with a sorry look while caressing him to calm him down.

I placed the reddish compress on the tray and grabbed the bandage that was placed on the table. I lifted his leg a little to be able to wrap it with the bandage but this sudden movement startles dogs who began to agitate "Calm roof, I beg you calm you buddy, it's going to be okay ok? I just put a bandage on and it's over, I leave you alone I promise! I told him a little distraught by his agitation, I was afraid that he would aging his wound and that he would bite me when turning around. Even if this dog looks peaceful, an animal in distress can be aggressive and I don't know enough about this dog to know how it will react. But he eventually calmed down, surely soothed by my words but definitely by the actions of Sunshine who had gently by licking the ears of his friends. After about ten seconds he stopped giggling "I'm going to put the bandage now okay, you must not move please, you can do that" I asked him to look into the eyes. And in response I got a little squeak that I took as a yes.

I gently wrapped the dog's leg with the bandage that was in my hand, I was careful not to top it tight so as not to hurt him too much but enough to make it not fall. I took the scissors and cut the bandage to close it with medical scotch that was in the emergency kit. And when I was sure it wasn't going to go off, I gently released his dog's leg to put it back in its original position. I turned my head towards him, and I saw that he looked extenuated by all his strong emotions, I passed my hand through the fur to his blow "it's over, it's over" I repeated to him whispering. he had his head lying on the couch, but his eyes looked at me "You must be tired my friend, you can sleep, you have nothing to fear" I said with his head with a warm smile. At these words, the dog began to close his eyes and let out a sigh before seeing him relax.

I straightened up, and stretched my back and legs, 'Stay crouched like that numbed me' I thought before I put all my stuff on the tray and head into the kitchen to put bowl in the sink with the scissors. I took the rag and went to take it to the laundry room, opened the window of the washing machine and threw it in 'As long as I'm there I'm going to do a laundry' I said to myself before filling it with linen. I went back into the living room one last time to say softly "I'm coming back, I'm going to get some food for our invite and enough to make him sleep, I'll be back in a little hour ok ?" I told Sunshine who was still awake, before going into the entrance, to pick up a coat and my car key to go to the town nearly, where I can find a pet store.

Hi there, thanks for reading this new chapter,

Tell me if the way I structure this new chapter was better that the other please. If so, I will keep writing my chapter like that

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.

Love love

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