Chapter 16

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(y/n) pov

While the two hybrids were in the bathroom, I was looking for clothes to put on them when they were all clean. The big problem being that they are, firstly men, and I clearly don't have men's underwear in my stuff, and secondly, they are several inches taller than me by several inches easy. I was able to find them wide joggings and wide t shirts that I keep when I want to be comfortable 'I hope they don't get too cold, but I don't have a sweater at their size, or they're going to be fair' I thought to myself while rummaging through my closet. I decided to go to my brother's old room, long since deserted, to see if he had left any clothes.

Arriving in the room, I immediately headed to his wardrobe and without much surprise, nothing at all except a few t-shirts devoured by insects over time, forgotten for years. "Well, I'm not sure I can find something here for them" I said to myself as I closed the wardrobe 'I'll see in my own clothes, but I'm not sure I have many things in their sizes.' I thought to myself as I left the room. I quickly went to my room, closing the door, you never know that one of the two men comes out of the bathroom without warning, I do not want to see ...

I manage to find them two cardigans and that could be their size, but not sure, especially for the one who has dog ears, he is bigger than the other, I hope that it will go the time that I find them something to dress in the times that come, if stays longer. The time I put the belongings on my bed, and put away my clothes, because my wardrobe currently looks like a warzone, I heard that there was a knock on my door "(Y/n), we are finished, can we go back?" asked me a deep voice that must have belonged to the hybrid cat, Felix I believe. "don't move, I'll give you your clothes, go change in the bathroom" I told them as I open my door, just enough to slip the clothes in. "Thank you very much," the voice of the other hybrid told me before I heard the bathroom door close again..

While they were changing, I went down to the kitchen to start making food. ' What does it eat a hybrid, kibble? I'm not going to make them eat that anyway!' looking in my closets and not feeling the inspiration coming, I told myself that I was going to make pasta, because everyone loves pasta and it's quick to do. The moment I grabbed the package, I heard the steps of the stairs squeaking under the two men's pats. "Great timing !" I exclaimed "I make pasta, are you okay? I was planning to make a little protein" I said to them when I opened the fridge to see what I had "Hmmm chicken?" has this word, their ears are standing on their heads and a growl made it heard, not by their throat, but more by their stomach. I laughed a little before I start cooking.

The table was set, and the two invite was in front of their plate that I was filling. I could see their eyes widening and hearing them sniff their dishes. They both seemed hesitant at first, as if they were waiting for permission "eat before it's cold, and if you still want it, ask me, there's enough left." I told them with a warm smile, wanting to reassure them as much as possible. Felix fu the first to take his fork and take a butcher, I saw his tail stirring quietly, then are friends did the same, sniffing are flat before starting. In any case, it seems to please them I said to myself while watching them swallow their plates quickly.

"tomorrow I'm going to leave the house quite early, okay, I'll definitely come back on the strokes of 1pm, 1.30pm I think. I would prepare breakfast for you before leaving, you want something in particular? I asked them as I finished my meal. They looked at me and looked at each other, as if they were deluding without words, just with their eyes. Felix then spoke "hummm... we don't really know, we were never offered breakfast, we ate pet food all our lives where we were" he said to me looking at his hands, as they ears were flat on the back of their head. A may surprise by what I just heard, I replied "it's more the case now, it's passing, you are safe here do not worry. If I make you toast with tea will you be okay? I will come back for lunch so you can tell me what makes you happy okay? Both seemed happy and relieved after what I had just told them. Their ears and tails relaxed after that.

By getting rid of them by doing the dishes, he was thinking about what I could do now, there are many hybrid men in my house, and there will be still others in I do not know how long. Many people also mean more food, I want my parents to give me some money and the paintings also bring me a little but I don't think it will suffocate, especially if they stay longer than expected. 'I would have to think about looking for a small job to be able to feed all these people there' I said to myself while drying my hands, 'especially since I have to buy them clothes tomorrow I don't know what to take from them!' I said to myself. I went to the living room where the two men stayed, they were both looking at the picture of my brother and sister. "I was still in high school when we took this picture, it was before my older sister came home." I told them surprisingly one can

"sorry, we didn't want to-" "there's no harm, don't worry, I'm not angry relax" I told them while resting the photo in its place "e are my two big sisters and my big brother, I'm very close with them but we don't see each other as often with the distance" I told them "you have family?" I asked them a little uncertain " yes, we still have 6 other brothers, not blood brothers, but we are a family," Seungmin replied with a look mixing sadness and joy. "don't worry Seungmin, you'll find them I know" I walked away to sit afraid on the sofa before looking at them again "tomorrow after eating I think I'll go buy you some clothes at your size, the problem being that I don't know your size, we'll have to find a solution." I told them "I could take you two three things from the store on closer, but otherwise I don't know how to get you into the store without being spotted" I said to myself After a little reflection, an idea comes to me, "I know!" I say as I get up to get my computer that is still in my class bag.

The PC turned on my lap and the two hybrids sat next to me, they watched me type something in the bar to search for "service dog harness?" Seungmin read aloud, with a dubious look "yes, like that, you will be able to go into the store with me and you can help me choose, and Felix will be able to hide either in a basket or in a sweater" I told them as if it was the best idea of the century. "hop, it's buy, it should arrived in 2 days, thank you Amazon!!" I said after turning off my pc "ama-what?" Seungmin looked at me "it's a site that allows you to order anything and it's deliverd at your house" I explained to him not getting up from the sofa. "when it arrives, they will be able to take what you want, within the limits of reasonable of course" I said to them kindly when I got up. Well that's not all but I start at 8:30 tomorrow so I'm going to bed, I'm going to prepare a bed for you, unless sleeping together bothers you? I asked them "not at all, thank you for everything you have done so far (Y/n) Felix said to me with a soft and serious look.

"Please, rest well guys, you see you tomorrow" I told them before going up to bed

Heyyyy people, how are you? I hope it's going well for all of you and that your return went well for you. For me yes, even though, it's hard to get back into the work, especially on the first yrar of college. That's why this chapter took a long time to arrive.

I wanted to thank you for your patience and kindness for this chapter, it was 11pm when I finished it so, if it is not perfect it is normal

Love you

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