chapter 12

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Y/n pov

The rest of the day was quiet, there was no voice that I didn’t know, the only one that resounded in the house was mine. The animals were calm, I did not have the impression that they moved much in the afternoon, they were in the living room huddled one against the other making a nap which lasted all day. On my side, I was catching up on what I had missed today in class. Renjun being an angel, he was kind enough to send me his notes, but fortunately on Monday, we don’t have a full day, we usually finish around 2 :30 pm. So I was in my room working, and I wondered how Renjun managed to write so many things with so much detail, next to my notes look like a doctor’s after 40 years of work.

The night was also quiet, still no voices. That’s what I was most afraid of, that the voices would reappear in my sleep, so I stayed up late enough to make sure that there was no one there. Yes I was going to be tired but it was reassuring to do that and I was able to sleep well afterwards. And as I had imagined, getting up was a real struggle, the bed and my comforter kept me trapped in their comfort and warmth, while my willpower and the shrill sounds of my alarm clock pushed me to get up. Once up, I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to do my routine before heading back downstairs.

Time skip morning routine

Downstairs, I made myself some water in the kettle to make my morning tea, this time, I'll put it in my thermos, I don't have time to see it on the spot since I dragged too much to get up. I went to look in the living room and to my great surprise there was neither the dog nor the cat on the sofa. Worried, I started to look for them in the living room, looking under the sofas, yes I know that a golden retriever would have trouble hiding under a sofa but I'm panicking now! As I got up, I saw that the door to the hallway was open and I thought 'they must be in the hallway, otherwise I don't see where they could be' so I started walking towards the dark hallway and as I entered I saw a pale ray of light. This light was coming from my art studio' I thought to myself as I felt a little chill running down my neck.

As I slowly made my way to the door I saw the two animals in the room. Sunshine was sitting on the desk and the young dog was on the floor looking at the almost finished painting of the woman in the library. Their eyes were fixed on my painting as if absorbed in it, an image that made me smile. Who knew that cats and dogs had an artistic sensibility, especially for painting. Their heads turned at the same time when I opened the door a little more, making it squeak, and seeing me the dog lowered his ears and had a posture that I could qualify as scary. I approached my painting slowly before looking again at the dog with a tender look « do you like this painting ? I did it for a client. You see, he wanted something that represented wisdom, so I had the idea to put this woman in a library, a place where knowledge is stored. » I told him, and I saw him relax a little bit seeing that I wasn’t angry.

Returning to the living room, I filled my thermos with hot water and put in a tea bag, I still had 10 minutes before leaving for the university. My two furry roommates had followed me into the kitchen, and were waiting patiently. I went to their bowls and filled them, I did the same with the water. I wouldn’t be there until 5 :30-6pm, depending on traffic and I didn’t want them to be hungry all day. "Boys, I have something to tell you" they looked at me with a look of concern and attention  "I’m going to school today, which means I won’t be here during the day, right ? I put food and water in your bowls, I’m counting on you not to do anything stupid" I approached them and put my hand towards the cat first to pet it gently « you take care of your friend when I’m not there ok ?" Then I approached the dog leaving a small distance between him and me and I did the same thing but waiting for the dog to make the first move.

I don’t want to rush him or scare him so I waited for him to feel my hand, and once I was sure he was comfortable with me, I started to stroke his head gently  "you my friend, I want you to rest and regain your strength okay ? I don’t know what happened to you but you are welcome here" I said with a big smile looking into his eyes, eyes filled with tenderness. At that moment, he pushed his head into my hand and closed his eyes, wagging his tail a little. Inwardly I was jumping for joy, he had a little more confidence in me.

I said a final goodbye before closing the door to my house, my bag in hand with my car keys. As I got into my car I put my bag on the seat next to me and got out of my house. I stopped in front of a rather old house, the walls were covered with bindings, the garden was very flowered, mainly by roses. I parked in front of the house before getting out of the car and going to the front door. This is the house of Mrs. Kang, an old lady who has lived here since before I was born. I know her since we started going on vacation to this village with my family. I consider her almost like a grandmother to me, she has absolutely all my trust, that’s why I called her yesterday.

I pressed the doorbell and a few moments later a lady of advanced age opened the door, she had green eyes of great kindness, her face was surrounded by stiff snow white hair. "I was waiting for you, do you want to come in ?" She asked, "That’s very kind of you but I don’t really have time, I’ll leave you the keys to my house, you can just drop by once or twice, just to see if they’re okay. Thank you again miss Kang." I told her with a big smile. "There is no problem, you know very well that if you need me I am always here. You know I don’t have much to do since I retired" she said with an amused look on her face.

I handed her the keys and gave her a quick hug and thanked her profusely. I now headed to my car to get on the road to class. I drove through my village before I got on a highway towards the city where my university was located. I put on the radio to hear some news, but not much, the only thing that came back for several days was the accident, apparently the truck had a very important merchandise for the company and an investigation is conducted to find out if there was any theft. Honestly, why bother to search for it if the truck burned, logically, the merchandise should have burned with it, unless it had legs.

I quickly changed the station, sent by ‘the information that the radio provided me. I put on some music to accompany my trip, and the car was filled with the song of Ateez, wave. A song that I like and that put me in a good mood before starting this long day.

"I hope that it will be ok for the two animals at home"

Hello my home reader, I hope you like the story so far. I know that the chapter is not very interesting but it’s going to get interesting.
I wish you a good day/evening, depending on where you live in the world
I’m curious, tell me where are you com from? 😊
Thank you for reading my story
With love

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