chapter 10

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(Y/n) POV

Looking up from my pen-covered sheets and highlighting, I saw that it was soon 1 p.m. "well, I'm working well already, I'm going to make myself something to eat I'm really starting to get hungry" I say aloud while putting my pen on the desk. I pushed on my legs and arms to get away from the desk to stretch my stiff body by standing still for a while. So, I got up after that, I put my phone with me (in your pocket it depends on how you imagined the outing of (y / n) and I left my room to head to the stairs. I would go down quietly looking to see if I hadn't received a new message from Renjun or other of my friends, but obviously not. But I raised my head when I had the strange impression, as if someone was there... then I heard voices. I put my foot on the step from below so as not to fall since I had lost my balance a little by surprise and worry... 'fucking but what is it that it !?!?' I said to myself complement panicked.

I waited a good minute to calm down a little, I continue to go down the stairs as quietly as possible, unfortunately, in this old house, the stairs squeak and that's exactly what just happened. I froze again attentive to the slightest noise that could happen down 'fuck fuck fuck !!!!!!' I was repeating in my head while trying to hear the voices, but it was complete silence, not even an insect flying, the only thing I could hear was the rapid heartbeat of my heart that I could not calm down so much I was scared. After sounding of great inspiration, I continued to go down the stairs, step by step until the end.

Once I got downstairs, I walked slowly to the kitchen, luckily for me, I hadn't closed the door when I went up to my room, I didn't have to the worker and make even more noise. But as I walked in, I heard noises in the living room, like fabrics moving 'my god but what's going on !!!!!!' I was screaming in my head as I had stopped breathing, my eyes fixed towards the enter that allowed me to go into the living room. 'please tell me it was my imagination and it's nothing' I thought to myself, but I had the impression that there were several people in my house. I took my phone and dialed the police number, ready to call them if I was sure someone I didn't know was there. You never know, it could be someone from my family who came by surprise.

Still not reassured, my eyes went to my knife display, and with a trembling hand, I took the cold handle of the nearest and squeezed it hard between my fingers. With a very little reassured, I began to head towards the entrance of the living room, the knife pointed in front of me, trembling a little with the rest of my body. I walked along the wall that separated me from the room, breathing fast as I got dangerously close to, I don't know what had produced all the noises I had heard before. Arriving at the entrance to the living room, I glued my back against the wall, taking great inspiration to try to calm my body and prepared myself psychologically for what I was going to see on the other side. I took my phoned in another hand lent on the icon to launch a call.

Felix POV

I stayed asleep for a while, huddled against Seungmin who exuded a comforting warmth. He had absolutely exhausted it, emptying it of all energy after receiving the first aid that (y/n) had given him and everything that had happened to him before finding him in this forest. I think about it, but I was still lucky to meet her, it's true, she still agreed to collect and care for Seungmin. Besides, he slept deep on the couch, rolling in a ball, taking a calm breath, so deeply that he did not wake up even if there was a concert next door. I looked at him like that, always in my cat form, feeling pity to see him in that state. When we separated, he was not at his best, but I would like to know what happened to him. I hope that he will recover quickly from his injuries, so that we can get the others together. We will probably have more luck both, we will be able to cover a larger area.

I was in my human form when I heard (Y/n)'s car very close to the house, it was time for me to turn back into a cat and put back in my place very close to Seungmin. I kept an attentive ear, in case something abnormal happened, but the only thing that happened was (Y/n) which was not a most discreet entry. I had the impression that she was charged when I heard the sound of an object being laid on the ground and the fact that she needed to make two trips to get out of it. Despite his deep sleep, Seungmin woke up startled at the first sound of an object falling to the ground. I approached his ear "it's the human girl who has returned, don't worry. You can go back to sleep, you need sleep" I whispered to him, and he settled down comfortably again closing his eyes, and I too pretended to sleep when I heard him heading into the living room. Once she had installed what she had bought, she took the stairs and probably went to her room.

After a few moments and putting assured that the girl will not go down, in my cat form, I went to see her in her room and she was sitting at her desk, headphones in her ears and river eyes on leaves. As he went down, Seungmin sat on the couch waiting patiently for me to come back. "It's good, we should be quiet for a while" I told him when I changed into a human again and I asked him to do the same to better see the extent of his injuries. Once the transformation was complete, I inspected his wounds, it was only abrasions that was already well healed and full of hematomas. "Are you in pain somewhere? you want something, water maybe" I asked him "Yes please, I have a super dry throat" replied me boy with light brown hair in a weak voice.

After hearing his answer, I got up and headed to the kitchen to look for a drink in the closets. Once I had found one, I plan it to fill it with water from the jug. I handed it to my friend, always sat on the couch, eyes running through the room, looking at the photos and paintings hanging on the walls. However, he looked worried and troubled "something is wrong, do you want to talk about it?" I asked him as I watched him empty his glass of water in a few sips. "The others... I looked for them also you know, since we separated, I have you all looked for but ... "You found me Seungmin! we are together now and it's both we're going to find them again" I promised him by rubbing his back to comfort him. The young dog hybrid looked at me with his ears folded over the back of his skull. "What will we do after?" he asked me, "We will see, for the moment, the most important thing is to find the oth-"

Crack was the sound of the steps squeaking when someone put their foot on it. Our ears were straight on the top of our head after hearing this noise, neither of us dared to say a word, but we were both worried. I approached him to speak to him in a very pass voice "it's the human, we have to change now" Seungmin raised his head, and while (Y/n) was still still, we were transforming. I prayed inwardly that she would not happen so our transformation was not over, and luckily for us, the girl began to move when we almost finished. After at least 5 minutes, she emerges from behind the wall, a knife in one hand and a phone in the other, with a completely panicked face.

"Ah ... she heard us, shit" I thought to myself

Hi guys!!! I hope you liked this chapter and I wanted to say somethings

First of all, thank you soooo much for reading my shity story, I never thoght I will have so many readers! Like, I just wanted to write my little story. 537  views it's huuuuuuuuge!!

And secondly

I still have two exams to pass before finishing with high school, on June 17th I have my philosophy test (I do not like philosophy) and my oral exam on the 22nd (in France in senior year , we must create during the year 2 subjects to present them orally). I am not sure if I'll be able to post much by then and I apologize for that.

Thanks again for reading my story

Je vous aime / love you

Happy pride moth !!!!!

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