chapter 21

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(y/n) pov

The dishes were drying while we had tea in the kitchen. "Given that I am free this afternoon, do you want us to go and get your friends?" I asked them. Both had become very attentive to what I could tell them. "I don't know where we could go through," I said aloud thoughtfully. "I left marks in the forest not far from here, we can go see and leave other clues" said Felix seriously "it is precisely thanks to this that I found you so I think it can be a good idea" replied Seungmin. "Okay we can do that. We have to prepare stuff; you don't have shoes to go outside it's okay isn't it going to be annoying? I ask them "you forget we are hybrids; we don't need them" will conclude Felix with an amused air.

We found ourselves a few minutes later in the living room after I got ready to go for a walk in the forest. I had taken with me comma in my bag some stuff to eat in case one of them was hungry and to leave them other hybrids in the corner. Besides that I had taken water necessarily, but also a knife in case there was a need to make marks on the trees, but given that Felix is a hybrid cat I am not sure that it is a great use. "Let's go, everyone is ready?" I asked them "yes" they replied.

Before crossing the door Felix interrupted me "uh (y/n) ... I wanted to apologize for just now, I am very worried about others so knowing that we were locked up it made me lose my means excuse me. Felix with a mine down and his ears folded towards the back of his skull. "I understand, don't worry Felix I forgive you" I told him with a big smile "it's also up to me to apologize, I don't know what happened to you exactly I think you will leave some sequelae, warn you that I was going to close the door. But know that I absolutely do not blame you, otherwise I will not leave with you to find your friends" Him with a big smile. I looked him 3 in the eyes I could see relief here while his ears were still pressed back which was still sad uncomfortable. Finally we started to leave the house, "go, we go so we find everyone" I said in order to try to raise the morale of the troops

Turning around I saw that Felix was helping Seungmin move. Suddenly an idea comes to me "ah but yes !!!" I exclaimed suddenly, which surprised the 2 hybrids their ears were straight on their heads. "Seungmin, maybe I have something that could be used to transport you if you're a dog," I told him before running to the garage where my father's garden tools were still. When I entered, I saw that there was still the small cart of when I was little I lugged everywhere with me in the dirt roads that border the surroundings of the village. She was small but certainly big enough to accommodate an adult dog the size of a golden retriver "Come and see what I found!" I was shouting from the garage for the 2 men to hear me.

Felixand Seungmin supported in front of me and looked at me with a doubtful look."Look we can put you inside during the journey so that you don't have towalk. Well it will shake a little anyway but that's already !!! I say witha very enthusiastic air. However I could see in their eyes that they were notsure, I could clearly imagine the drop of water flowing down the side of theirheads.

we were then on our way on the dirt road towards the forest. if you looked out the window of a house, you could see a cat walking in front of a woman with a cart where they found a dog that was a little tossed around. A scene that must have been very fun certainly. Nevertheless, we always walked with a determined step and deeper into the fields to get closer and closer to the trees. "Is Seungmin okay? Not too shaken in all directions. I asked him, he replied with a growl. I laughed a little after hearing this, one could clearly understand his answer as a "yes" given how the cart shook at each pebble it encountered. From time to time we arrived at the entrance of the forest guarded by large trees that were losing their foliage more and more. We continued to sink more and more regularly Felix to leave a trace on the trees, whether it was a claw stroke or just rubbing to leave his smell. All this followed the path to go home, a kind of little thumb for hybrids.

We continue to explore more and more the forest, I always followed Felix on the trail to see if he had spotted a smell that belonged to one of his friends. At the foot of a tree that he had marked I left some provisions that I had taken especially for those who would be passing through, there were some snacks and a bottle of water, it is not the great luxury but it could always be useful to someone who would be hungry or thirsty. Right after that, I proposed to Seungmin if he wanted me to wear it, The paths being more and more difficult, I saw that he was really not comfortable. With a small nod, he accepted it falls although badly I managed to take him in my arms. It's like a child, on either side of my shoulders and his head rested on my right shoulder. It was certainly a little heavy but for the moment it was okay.

We did a big tour in the woods, always following Felix close enough not to disturb him. But it remains difficult to follow him with Seungmin in his arms I had trouble leaving the path and crossing the bushes as he did. After 15 minutes I took a break, I had to rest my tired arms by wearing the hybrid dog, I needed to breathe and drink. I proposed need to drink or eat something, Felix came to me and showed me the bottle of water to let me know that he was thirsty. I quickly realized that I had not taken a bowl or glass, so I am a hollow with my hand I poured a little water. "I'm sorry I forgot to take a bowl I hope it will go like this, I don't want it to be humiliating for you" I told him with an embarrassed look. It didn't seem to bother him he drank in my hand until he started licking my skin for the last tastes. I seized him 2 times before he got back on track.

I took Seungmin back in my arms and we got back on track in our turn. Felix was always sinking deeper and deeper into the forest I rubbed on almost every tree he came across. My arms were getting tired of carrying the dog, he weighs his weight and I'm not the most muscular person hehe either. Suddenly, while I was struggling to support Seungmin, I saw that Felix was running at full speed towards the west side of the forest, much too fast for me to follow him through the bushes and the roots of trees, I almost broke my mouth more than once already. What if that wasn't enough; the hybrid I was holding began to squirm and which unbalanced me and made me fall to the ground. Despite this, I managed not to let go of the young dog. Once ashore, he tried to walk in the same direction as his friend, but because of his leg, he could not go very far.

"Seungmin, don't force too much, you're going to hurt yourself" I told him by rubbing my buttocks to fade the pain that the fall caused me. I could see him limping and hear him bark, sign that he was in pain. I got up to sit next to him and started stroking him. "I don't know what happens, but I'm sure he's going to come back, we'll wait for him by then ok? If you want to go somewhere, do you give me a sign of agreement? The hybrid next to me calmed down and lay on the ground right next to me. I couldn't help but wonder what's going on, why Felix had he run specifically in that direction.

"Do you think he felt a trail?" I asked Seungmin, while looking at the sky through the leaves of the trees

Hey, how are you? is everything fine with you?

I am delighted to introduce you to this new chapter of my book, I will not lie to you, I had problems with this chapter. I completely lost my drafts on at least 2 other chapters... so it was longer than expected. But rest assured I continue to maintain it.

I wish you a good day

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