Chapter 5

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Narrator POV

A little earlier, Felix was waking up when (y/n) had come down for the second time, he had stayed in the box that had served as his bed for the night, watching the human pass through the living room. When she left the room leaving the hallway door open, the cat in turn came out of the box and stretched. He went into the kitchen to drink some water, he did not eat, although there was food at his disposal, but the hybrid still felt full from the day before.

The young cat had had a pleasant night, warm but he was tormented,he missed the presences of his brothers. He missed the laughter of Hyunjin, Han and Changbin, Chan's warm smiles, Minho and Maknaes' bickering, he missed his family a lot. 'I have to find them as soon as possible, but for that I have to get out of this house. The human would have to let me out, it's not safe to transform when it's not far away," he said, looking out the window of the living room window.

As he came out of his thoughts, he noticed that the hallway door had remained open when the girl left the room. Curious to see what was there, Felix passed his head through the opening of the door and saw a slightly dark corridor. He noticed light at the end of the corridor that illuminated the wall through an open door. The cat heard soft music coming from this room as well as the smell of paint and vanilla. Intrigued by his noises and smells, he began to walk towards the door.

When Felix crept into the room, he saw the (h/c)-haired young woman standing in front of a large canvas. She seemed focused on her painting; she didn't notice it when entered in her art studio. the scene in front of him, seemed supernatural, the light of the window illuminated the artist, it was almost as if she radiated this light by applying paint on her work. Wanting to see the painting more precisely, Felix jumped on the desk that fixed the artist's back. He saw the beauty of the canvas, the woman who was reading was still incomplete, she had not yet a dress, you could only see the skin that was illuminated by a soft bluish light, but you could already see the fine features of her face, and her calm eyes fixing the book resting on his lap. The hybrid sat there, watching the young woman continue her painting.

(y/n) began to a little thirsty, still in her bubble, she turned to take her mug that was sitting on her desk. When she looked up, she saw the cat sitting right in front of her watching her while she worked on her canvas. As their eyes crossed the young woman startled and gasped loudly, clearly not ready to see the cat in front of her when he was so fearful the day before.

The (h/c)-haired girl took a moment to catch her breath and calm her heart after all her emotions. She looked at the cat which had retreated after the reaction of the young woman before him, with a warm smile on her lips she watch him. "What are you doing here you're watching me, you're watching if I'm doing well work, right? she told him tenderly by the little cat. She wiped her hand on her sweater to remove the paint that was on it, before gently stretching it towards the cat so as not to frighten it more than it already is. Hesitating, Felix gently approached the human hand and sniffed it. (y/n) had a strong paint smell obviously but it could clearly smell sweet smell almost like milk, she had a comforting smell. Instinctively, Felix began rubbing his head against the outstretched hand in front of him and began to purr as the young woman began to scratch him behind his ears.

From the corner of her eye, she saw a number of the clock change, it was now 12:23. 'No wonder I'm starting to get hungry,' she said. Much to the disappointment of the cat, she stopped stroking him to turn off the movement and stop the music that kept playing. "Come on Kitty we're going to eat," she said, addressing the cat, who was still sitting on the desk and had her words, and he went go down from the desk and followed the young woman into the kitchen. Before leaving the room, the artist took her tea, now cold, and her brushes for the washed before the paint dried. Once in front of the sink, she began washing her brushes, being very careful not to leave paint in the hairs.

The young woman looked at what she had in her closet and fridge; she had a craving for pasta today. She put a packet on cupboard and went to her fridge to get some cream and spinach chicken. (Sorry if you don't like it, imagine what you want instead) "I'm going to do this for lunch, what do you think?" she asked the cat that was now sitting on the table behind her. Felix meowed to express his opinion, "I'll take it as a "yes it's a good idea." She first boiled water for the pasta and cooked her spinach in her pan to reduce. When the water was hot, she put the pasta and added the cut chicken in the hot pan and put a bit of cream. She added the drained pasta in the pan and voilà!

The smell of the dishes put water in the mouth of the hybrid who always watched her cooking and began to lick his lips. (y/n) placed her dish on a plate and saw the condition of the little cat in front of her "Do you want a little too?" and with a happy air the cat uttered an enthusiastic meow. Laughing a little, she laid a little of her dish on a small plate before giving it to the cat who did not hesitate for a moment before beginning to eat the food it contained. (Y/n) laid her plate on the table and took out cutlery and a glass of fresh water, bin installed, she began her meal one-on-one with the cat who ate happy in front of her.

After washing her belongings and those of the cat, she went to sit on the couch to watch a little TV, and the weather. Felix sat in front of the window door watching the garden shone under the rails of the sun, which made the wet grass twinkle. 'Now that it has to stop raining, I must find my brothers,' he said. The hybrid turned around and looked at the human sitting on the couch watching people around a table debating a social issue. An idea crossed his mind, the cat began to meow to draw the attention of (y/n) to him, and once she looked at him, he meowed again looking at the door and then the young woman. The (h/c)-haired girl understood the message "don't move I'm coming," she said, rising from the sofa towards the window door. Once at her level, she opened it letting go of the cat that disappeared into the wild. "I'll leave the door open if you want to come back," she shouted a little, hoping the cat heard it.

Hi I hope you like the story so far
School will stars again in France and my final exam is in June, BUT I will try to update at least once a week

Love u 💙💙💙💙

Cé 💙

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