Chapter Two

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Now I feel pathetic. calling you over and over to get your attention and I'm pretty sure you moved on. I just don't want to accept that I'm not who you want to be with anymore. I'm not sure if you moved on that fast. Honestly, I really hope you didn't.

I wish you would just call me back and tell me what I did wrong. Maybe then I could convince you, I won't do it again and you will possibly consider letting me back in your life. I'm sure I still love you, it would be weird if you didn't feel at least the slightest bit of love towards me...

I sound dumb... ill just go, and hope for the best...


7 am

and this is how jimin starts his morning.

That deep sultry tone of voice again, with the faintest hint of sadness and pain lurking in the deep corners of that sound. Every fiber of Jimin's being wanted to hug him. Out of the pure sympathy his therapeutic soul had. But also because sometimes that's what people need, a hand, a hug, warmth. It felt as if whoever it was behind that phone. He just needed someone.

Jimin did too.

Only the other did more.

Jungkook had sent hobi a text the night before. Asking that returns home quickly or he would come to get him without hesitation. Jungkook was younger for sure. Hobi was just not one to say no to his boyfriend. Jimin had explained to him his current embarrassing situation, and honestly, hobi wasn't even surprised. This was such a jimin thing to do.

To care for a complete stranger with no intention but to see them happy and better in the future. To just be a genuine human being was just something Jimin was placed on this very messed up earth to do. But even with everything Hoseok found out about this mysterious caller, he wanted jimin to do something his little heart would be against.

"What do you mean 'call him back?' "

"You know let him know he has the wrong number? maybe even talk to him!. it won't be as bad as you think Jimin"

"But it's going to hurt him"

"You are a therapist Mimi, I know you can change that"

and hobi was absolutely right. Jimin's job was to comfort people, intrude in their minds and hearts to open up a new bridge to happiness. So he picked up the phone and with a breath of hesitation the phone begins to hum.

He hit call

Jimin firstly assumes that he won't answer. Maybe he is busy. but after a couple of rings he picks up, and it sounds like he is breathing heavy. Like he raced around for a bit before answering

"H- hello.. is it really you? I'm so-"

"wait," Jimin replies. his voice soft and sweet, wavering between firm and calm. the other went silent. "I'm sorry this is the wrong number..."

He is afraid of his upcoming reaction... Scared that he might possibly come to be upset with him. Start cursing him out on the other side of the phone and truthfully he felt that he deserved it. He had sat on the phone listening to a complete stranger's business for about a month or two now. Jimin was expecting a horrible reaction. But instead, the receiver of the call says.

"Oh well... can you just... stay"

Wait what?

Jimin sighs. Let's out a push of air he had no knowledge of holding. One of relief and lost fear. he sets the phone on speaker and places it on his lap. "you don't have to if you don't want to..." He says through the phone and Jimin throws in a short ramble.

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