Chapter Eleven

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kiss him

It is what rings in Jimin's head as he grabs things to sleep at Taehyung's place. It feels like a planned dick appointment but he avoids the dirty thoughts that cloud his mind. Jimin has on a pair of sweatpants. Tight around his waist lose as it goes down his legs. 

"my ass looks amazing in these," he thinks as he stares in the mirror. 

smiling at how he currently looks. Jimin looks back at the bag that he plans to take with him. And when he hears the sound of a honk outside, he trips over himself to grab his things and get out of his apartment for a bit. It's exciting. 

Jimin is excited. 

His neighbors are concerned when they see the way he runs out of his apartment and practically bolts down the stairs even and doesn't even wait for the elevator.

Taehyung is already leaning against his car in the sexy way he likes to do but when Jimin drops his bag a couple of feet from the car and runs Taehyung already knows to stand up and welcome the smaller male with open arms. 

He jumps right into Taehyung's arms and wraps his legs around the taller's waist. Jimin's smile is so bright and Taehyung returns a fond glance. To Jimin. His Jimin. Well at least soon to be his. 

"Hey min-ah"

"New nickname?"

"Progress right?"

"I guess you can say that"

Taehyung grabs Jimin's ass with a look of satisfaction on his face, Jimin pouts but giggles. Taehyung doesn't even remove his hands after he does it. 


"Am not" He says with a chuckle" Taehyung notices that Jimin was glowing. Beaming and just buzzing with energy. 

"You look so happy"

"I am" He whispers and stares down at Taehyung's lips for a moment before wiggling in his hold. Taehyung puts him down and picks up his bag for Jimin and sets it into the car. Jimin is already in the passenger seat squealing, truthfully Taehyung finds it adorable. 

Wants to take him home and wrap him up in blankets and cuddle to movies and whatever plays on the T.V. Taehyung gives Jimin thigh a little squeeze that makes him jump in his seat. It is comforting in its sense though. 

"calm min-ah. As cute as you are, It's distracting and I have to drive safely." Jimin pulls the hand on his thigh up to his mouth and presses his soft lips against Taehyung's fingers. 

"such nice hands," he says.


"Mhm, pretty" Taehyung takes Jimin's hand and performs the same action, Kisses his little fingers and then his palm and his wrist. it makes Jimin's heart pound in his chest. Taehyung notices the way Jimin's breath hitched at the contact.

He smiles, and Jimin doesn't think his heart is capable of taking so much of his cuteness and duality. One second he is showing off his boxy smile the next he is taunting Jimin and making him feel smaller. It's almost terrifying. 

 The drive there is just a bit long. Jimin knows because he played about 10 songs in his playlist, which would usually be enough. Taehyung watched Jimin switch emotions with every song he played and kissed the back of his hand every time his fondness blows over his imaginary tank.

Jimin lives a bit far from where Taehyung does and it's pretty obvious. the more he drives the more Jimin realizing that this is a more expensive part of the city, where more wealthy people live. Jimin tries to find a place in his mind where he is surprised but Taehyung interviews celebrities for articles so he doubts the fact that he could live anywhere else.

Arriving there with him makes it even better. Because when Jimin sees the inside of that apartment he gasps, 

"Taehyung this is a penthouse" 

"is not"

"It is!!" Jimin scoffs and takes his shoes off at the door while carrying his one bag. Taehyung takes it from him and takes his bag to another room while Jimin adjusts to the beautiful furniture and warm-toned aura the home has. It's so Taehyung.

His personality just gives off all warm colors and relaxing and calm all the time. Jimin loves it.  

When Taehyung gets back from putting the bags wherever he thought it was suitable, He sees Jimin still marveled by the beauty of where he lives. He chuckles, startling the man out of his trance and making him turn to face him.

"Would you like a tour?"

"Oh my god yes." Taehyung takes Jimin's small hand into his larger one and guides him through the place. Jimin finds it absolutely beautiful. Taehyung just thinks it's cute how excited he is.

"This bathroom wow," Jimin says and Turns around after he finishes staring at every corner of the bathroom. It's big with one shower and a bathtub, two sinks, and a toilet, Jimin is impressed. 

Taehyung allows him to put his toiletries in the bathroom and gets snacks to put in the living room while he does that. When Jimin comes into the living room Taehyung is on the phone doing what looks like ordering.

"Taehyung" He calls and He smiles while holding his hand up, Indicating that Jimin should wait a little. When he hangs up he sits on the couch with a loud groan.

"I was just ordering some food"


"Yeah. I figure you would want to eat when you got here and you love a good meal." Jimin lights up just a tad, only a little. Taehyung notices that glow though and smiles. "Like the sound of that huh baby"

"Yes, I do! what is up with these nicknames"

"Just testing them out"

"I like them"

"Good I'll keep that in mind" Jimin walks over to him, arms coming up to wrap around his neck making Taehyung place his hands on Jimin's waist. Jimin right now is taking him up on that kiss. He wants it at this point. Taehyung is so close to him, body so warm and inviting he just can't miss it.

"What's that look on your face," Jimin asks Taehyung.

"Waiting for you to make a move"

"Why don't you do it" 

"Trust me, I would have. I just want to make sure you are okay with what I want to do"

"I'm more than okay" Taehyung doesn't need anything else. He leans in and presses his lips against Jimin's soft plump lips. The pace doesn't get heated, yet it's close to reaching that point. Soft while applying want and desire. 

Jimin tilts his head for better access, His little pink tongue poking out to taste Tahyung's mouth and moan at the satisfying flavor. Jimin loves it. 

"God your lips," He mumbles against Jimin's mouth and it has the other male losing his mind entirely. They don't continue like this for long. Although they would love to their plans would be horrible to waste. 

So they settle on the couch together after their heated make-out session and snuggles against Taehyung's

Jimin turns his head so that he and the male ache eye contact and he shyly asks him what movie they wanna watch right now. When they chose They wait for the food. 



~chapter end~

Filler chapter but they kissed omg! first sober kiss.

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