Chapter Nine

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The morning's on a regular day always feel hazy for Jimin. The sun peeking from his windows and warming his body, Sheets tangled around his legs. This morning just felt a bit looser than others. Feels like the blue sky when small puffs of clouds are moving through it. Feels like calmness. 

A night of alcohol has that effect on him. He feels like he is floating for the first five minutes of him waking up. Sleep still clinging to every limb of his body. He shifts. Memories of last night starting to fill his mind. The event, Jungkook, his PlayStation, and oh...


Jimin wakes up with a jolt. Just a little lightheaded from sitting up so fast. He panics. Almost leaping off of his bed to check himself in the mirror. Hair sticking up in places due to his choice of sleeping habits, face tinted with blush since he spent a whole night with his face pressed into a pillow but most of all. Hickies on his neck yet no ache in his back or ass. 

No Sex

He sighs. Throwing his clothing off and grabbing a silk robe that stops mid-thigh on him, a pretty dark red color that he thinks brings out his soft skin. Once he has it closed, Jimin looks back towards the bed. It's empty. No Taehyung is present but the smell of breakfast is filling Jimin's nose.

If he thinks logically he'd say it's hobi cooking. Jungkook is more of an experimental cook. But with Taehyung here, he allows himself to think outside the box and accept the possibility that Taehyng cooked.

Smells so good he imagines it's getting closer, and closer. 

"That smells so good," He says to himself and when the door opens and reveals taehyung holding a plate of food in his hand then he realizes. Taehyung can cook. He enters sheepishly. Carefully going to Jimin's bedside and putting the food there.

"Smells better than it tastes Jimin-ah"

He says it casually, Jimin isn't exactly sure if he made it but something about the way he proudly entered with the plate is telling. Taehyung can cook, good kisser, handsome, he works and Jimin is blinking at the thought that Taehyung is everything he would want in a man. He swears his knees buckled.

"Good morning," He says and Jimin thinks he might be drooling. Taehyung is shirtless... Completely...Fully...shirtless. Completely bare chest. Its firm, Defined stomach, muscles lined on his arms, Collarbones on display, perfect v-line.



"Sorry I meant good morning Taehyung."

"Oh yeah good morning Jimin-ah, I made breakfast but you look like you were going to do something."

"I um-" He looks at Taehyung's body again. Licks his lips, suddenly praying that Taehyung didn't see that. Regardless if he did, shirtless Taehyung is a distracting Taehyung. Jimin sighs before asking. "Taehyung where is the shirt I gave you." He says and The younger male looks down at himself only to look back up with a boxy smile on his face. 

"Your friend Jungkook is um... kinda fun. We got food on each other when I was trying to cook breakfast. So he went to the store to grab me some fresh boxers and gave me a pair of sweat pants he says he hid here."

"pants that he hid here?- um two questions?"


"Did he let you shower?"

"yeah...  I would have asked if you were awake"

"It's fine I'm- just... He gave you everything but a shirt.?" 

"Yeah... said you wouldn't mind."

"That cheeky little..."  Jimin is sure to give him a talking to later on. Nothing Jungkook does is without intention. He is smart. Forms plans in his mind as he goes and Jimin found it, superman, like. But Jimin is sure the act is so that he keeps taehyung around. Jungkook likes Taehyung Jimin can already tell. This is a conversation for later though.

When Jimin comes back to his senses he gives Taehyung's bare chest another look. It's hard to keep away truly. He looks so good. Messy hair, skin fresh and dewy from his early shower. Taehyung notices Jimin wandering eyes. 

"I'm sorry, I'll put on my sweater from last night. I just wasn't thinking. I wasn't aware of how distracting it can be" 

"No!!" Jimin shouts, startling the other, and then his eyes widen.

"I mean like no, it's fine. Don't put a shirt on." Taehyung raises an eyebrow. And Jimin gasps at his own words.

"Oh my god, wait I mean you can put a shirt on, But I'd rather you not... you know what I'll shut up" Taehyung laughs, Pleased with Jimin cuteness, and then sits on the bed. Patting the space beside him so Jimin would know to come over. Jimin sits, hands resting on his lap to keep his robe from riding up while he stared at Taehyung.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung says

"What for?"

"For last night, for getting you in between the mess with me and Yujin, for coming onto you."

"Oh, Taehyung..."

"I know I said I could hold a drink, but I didn't exactly mention how I get possessive and um..."


"Well Yeah..."

"If we are going to talk about that then... I liked it" He says and in all honestly it takes Taehyung a bit to get understand. 

"You liked it?"

"Taehyung, I'm a little shy talking about it but I thought it was nice... I think I'd like to try that again sometime."  

Taehyung smiles at Jimin. Feeling a sense of sincerity in his words. Something he felt from the very first time they spoke. It makes Taehyung trust Jimin regardless of the shortness of the time they have known each other. Taehyung isn't the type to trust fast. But Jimin... He is just so different and Taehyung can feel that.

"And as for seeing Yujin, I don't blame you for the way you reacted Taehyung. Doesn't feel good for someone to approach you that way, does it? Especially someone who spent so much time avoiding you." Taehyung nods, wanting Jimin to continue in his wise words. Not expecting the small hand to come up and push his hair up and away from his forehead and then coming down to rest on his nape.

Jimin had hesitated in that gesture, Scanned Taehyungs face for doubt, discomfort. There wasn't any.  So he continued. Began to pet Taehyung in a way that made his shoulders release tension, and his breath slow. Jimin made him feel so weightless. It was truthfully sweet. 

"That's right Taehyung-ah. relax" He says and with a deep breath he does just that. Closes his eyes and Jimin scoots behind him. Massages his shoulders blades, and loosening all the tense muscles. 

It is silent as they do that and Eventually, Taehyung turns around. Meeting eyes with his massager. Jimin feels so close to him. Watches as Taehyung glances at his lips and back up to meet his pretty brown eyes.

"How opposed are you to kissing me right now"  Taehyung whispers against his lips and Jimin is not opposed at all. In fact, he would smash his lips with Taehyung's with no hesitation. But something about a chase makes his heart flutter.

Something about making Taehyung wait for him. To test the younger male and see if he is really attracted to Jimin. prove to Jimin that he wants him and that he is here to stay. So Jimin puts the prettiest smile on his face. 

"Oh I'm not Taehyung-ah," He says and pulls back. Stepping off the bed and walking towards the door with an extra swing in his hips that Taehyung can't help but notice. " But I have work today and I couldn't possibly be late for that." 

"Feeling playful today huh."

"I don't what you mean."

Oh, this guy... this guy is giving Taehyung a run for his money so he thinks to himself when Jimin walks out of the door.

who are you Park Jimin?

~chapter end~

I get more excited to continue this every day...

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