Chapter Ten

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Dating has always been what Jimin felt he could never do. With work? the tendency to want to stay home more than go out. Dating includes him wanting to do the things he usually would refuse. 

All of his past tries and fails had the same issue. They all wanted to be out and about. Clubbing, dinner at fancy places, shopping all the time. Although Jimin loved all of those things, he felt as though staying home being in the comfort of his significant other was just better.

Jimin isn't currently dating technically, yet with Taehyung... It's different. Very much so. 

The past couple of days have had Jimin all types of giddy. Smiling randomly, checking his phones and giggling at the purely cute messages Taehyung sends him and blushing at the more sinful ones. 

Taehyung has been flirting a bit more often. Sending Jimin compliments whenever it was convenient. Has Jimin smiling like a teen in love at his phone too often. Or even in person.

Jimin was left blushing and giggling every time he spent time with Taehyung and truthfully that felt amazing. It's how they ended up where they are now. Jimin sitting on his desk with Taehyung standing in between his legs. Hands-on his waist while he tells Jimin how pretty he is.

"Taehyung I have a patient soon." 

"I know but just let me look at you." Jimin's smile is bright and he looks so happy, his cheeks are tinted pink and his arms are wrapped around Taehyung's neck. Since implying, Taehyung would have to work if he really wanted Jimin. Taehyung has done just that since. Catering to Jimin, treating him like a prince. 

"If you keep going like this I might have to kiss you."

"Yeah? I'm doing well then" Jimin's sweet giggles fill the room. Having Taehyung just as cheeky in the face of Jimin laughing the way he is. 

Taehyung hasn't considered dating. Not since his brutal breakup with Yujin. Jimin is different though. The amount of attention Jimin gives to him and allows Taehyung to give is completely different from the cold shoulder Yujin gave to him.

Taehyung has always wanted someone to spoil, whether it be with physical things they love or simple things like compliments and cuddles in bed. JImin lets him do that. Jimin accepts him. And since realizing this, his mind has been Jimin Jimin Jimin... just filled with everything about him. 

His soft skin, his beautiful smile, his soft pure heart. Just everything about him was in Taehyungs mind.

dating doesn't sound so bad.

"Free after work?"

"Mhm, always," Jimin says and hops off of his desk. And turns around to grab his clipboard and notepad for his upcoming appointment with Seonghwa. Taehyung stays behind jimin. And puts his head on the smaller's shoulder. 

"What do you want to do after work"

"I'm gonna be hungry. But I don't want to go out."

"How does a movie night with pizza and snacks sound" Jimin turns around. Gives Taehyung a quick peck on the cheek that makes him smile afterwards he taps the taller male's chest. 

"Sounds like a plan."

"My place this time?"

"Really? I've never been." 

"I mean why not. It's only fair."

"Well, then I guess I'm going there tonight."

"I'll go set up and you go home and grab clothes to sleep in."



"Okay!! now out you go, I have a patient soon. Go go, shoo" 

"Bossy! alright, I'm going" He says and gives Jimin a tight hug. Releases him finally and walks out of the door with a wink. Jimin goes to set up for his therapy session with Seonghwa. 

The visits have been quite consistent. Jimin gets more and more excited every time Seonghwa expresses progress with getting closer to Hongjoong and wanting to come out to his parents. It's a journey and nothing ever stays the same. 

A journey is never set. Never a fixed future. There are always possible outcomes of failure and success and Jimin's goal from the beginning was for Seonghwa to know that his parents deciding not to accept his sexuality is not a setback.

It's not something to be ashamed of because it's who he is. 

"Is it okay if they are mad at first?" Was often a question from young people who haven't yet crossed the path of coming out. Jimin replied with a reminder of how his coming out went. His parents didn't exactly accept him right away. JImin wasn't going to give up and allow them to turn their back on him. 

"you can't just change who you are," Jimin said and Seonghwa lights up every conversation they have because Jimin has always been so supportive towards him. So helpful towards him is the thought that he does it because he has to pains Seonghwa.



"Do you genuinely care about me? I really look up to you and love coming here. I feel a connection with you. Are you doing this because you have to?"

"You know..."

"know what?"

"I'm not supposed to have favorite patients. on the job I do tend to do things I feel I have to do to ensure the person's healing. "


"But I can say... You are my favorite patient Seonghwa."


Jimin places his clipboard down. and stands from his seat. It startles Seonghwa because he jumps. Until Jimin goes to stand in front of his seat. Offering one of his hands for Seonghwa to take. The younger male does just that with a little hesitation. 

Once he stands. Jimin embraces him. Hugs him for a couple of seconds before he realizes Seonghwa is sobbing in his warm hold. Jimin doesn't ask why because sometimes it doesn't need to be said. Surprise can be overwhelming. Jimin wipes his tears.

"You are in fact like a little brother to me." He says and smiles this heart-filling smile. Seonghwa smiles through his tears.

"I'm so glad."

"I wouldn't be surprised if we are related. Because you remind me so much of myself when I was younger and maybe even now." 

"Please, what about me matches you now. You are so amazing. I don't think I can ever be that way."

"Your heart, it's so pure, and you know what." 


"I have a crush too." Seonghwa jumps back. A huge smile on his face when he jumps up and down. 

"Tell me, Oh please tell me." 

And Jimin does. Tells him how Taehyung and he shouldn't have met that way but they did. Expresses how fun Taehyung is and how much he enjoys being around him and somewhere along those lines Seonghwa can see him and Hongjoong in the back of his mind. 

It feels good to know one day he and Hongjoong can be together without feeling limited. 

This therapy session seems to have been the most productive because Seonghwa leaves with Jimin's number and permission to call him whenever he feels it might be convenient and a way to make Seonghwa feel that Jimin truly does feel the connection they have built. 

"Kiss him Hyung"


"Kiss him, You like him a lot, I can tell how much you like him."

"You are right..."

"So? what are you waiting for.

what am I waiting for?

~chapter end~

- I'm late but happy 95 day! enjoy this update 

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