Chapter 37

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"The Outburst!"

Next morning Mahir woke up and immediately his eyes went towards the couch but frowned not finding Bela. He got up and went near the washroom and sighed not finding her there also.
He looked at the watch and it was just six.

"Where did she go this early at 6 and moreover she usually wake-ups too late!!", Mahir wondered

Thinking her to be down, he got ready and and saw the time was 6:30 now. He went down and looked for Bela around and not finding her anywhere he went to Sumi's room.

"What happened mahir?", Sumi asked coming out from the washroom

"Um.. maa where is Bela, I couldn't find her anywhere", Mahir asked

"Oh yes, Bela left to the temple mahir.. she asked me to inform you", Sumi informed

"Temple and this early? Is there anything today?", Mahir asked confused

"Yeah, she said it's her parents death anniversary today.. so you know", Sumi said sadly

"Ok okay", Mahir said and left the room

A while later Sumi came and served mahir his breakfast, he ate and left to his office having an important meeting for his new deal.


"Good morning sir", Rakesh Mahir's PA wished him after entering the meeting room

"Sir?", Rakesh called out when he din't receive any answer from mahir

"Um.. yeah, good morning Rakesh", Mahir wished back

"Sir you okay? You seem a little off today", Rakesh asked

"Really?", Mahir asked keeping his file aside

"Um, yes sir.. I mean you were never like this, specially on the meeting day", Rakesh said a little scared

"Like this mean?", Mahir asked

"Uhh I mean, like you seem to be thinking of something while everytime you always talk about work, also even when you know everything is perfect you still check everything twice unlike today sir", Rakesh clarified hesitating

"He's right, but why I'm I like this today?", Mahir questioned himself

His thoughts were distributed when his investers arrived and soon he got engrossed in his work.

During the lunch time, mahir was still thinking of Bela cursing himself for all this thoughts. He decided to call her once and talk to her. He quickly dailed her number and called only to know that it's switched off.

"Switched off? This girl can never learn to be careful.. but what if she's in some trouble?", Mahir's mind started thinking of all the possible reasons

He immediately dailed Sumi's number.

"Maa did Bela come home?", Mahir asked

"No Mahir, but don't worry Vish said that Bela mostly prefers to be alone this day.. so let her be, she would come by evening", Sumi clarified

"But maa..", mahir said but Sumi interrupted

"Trust me mahir she's fine, don't worry unnecessarily.. I know you are worried but she will be fine", Sumi assured

"Ok maa, but inform me when she's home", Saying mahir and cut the call


The rest of day too went restless for mahir and his employees were indeed surprised seeing the great Mahir Sehgal making many silly mistake in the day.

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