Chapter 46

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"Her Grumpiness"

Days later, one Sunday morning Mahir was sitting on the sofa in living area reading the newspaper. Bela saw him from the kitchen.

"It's been an hour already and he's still ready that stupid newspaper..

If he reads the paper then why does he watch the news on TV also? It's the same news isn't it?

If he put his eyes atleast ten percent on me of which he puts on the news, then I'm sure by now we would have kids and even they would have got married", Bela huffed angrily cutting the vegetables

"Ahh", Bela shouted when her finger got her bymistake

Hearing her voice, Mahir immediately came to the kitchen and saw Bela hissing looking at her finger which is bleeding slightly. He went to bring the first aid while his eyes became moist seeing her in pain.

He quickly held her shoulder making her sit on the dining while he sat on his knees cleaning her wound. Bela looked at him so concerned for her and looked at him lovingly.

"Now I can't get hurt everytime to get his attention", Bela fumed frustrating

She thought of something and quickly pulled her hand off from him while he looked at her confused.

"What happened?", Mahir asked softly

"I'm fine, it's just a small hurt", Bela frowned

"Why are you making faces, is it hurting?", Mahir asked taking her hand in his

"I just said I'm fine, how many time should I say the same.. I'm not a news reporter to repeat the same words throughout the day", Bela rolled her eyes

"Huh? Where did news reporter come from.. what happened Bela, you look so grumpy", Mahir asked confused

"I just told nothing Mahir ji", Bela said

"Ok ok, you seem to be in a bad mood.. let's talk later, you go to room and don't do any work now.. you are already hurt", Mahir said concerned cupping her cheek

Bela smiled seeing his care and nodded innocently. Mahir stood and moved forward and Bela's smile vanished when he went took the newspaper again and started reading.

She looked at him with so much frustration that Sumi, kuhu, yuvi and Vish who were standing aside and observed the whole scene now know for some reason Bela is angry on mahir.

They smiled looking at eachother knowing something is surely gonna happen.

Bela took a pillow from the sofa and threw it on Mahir's face and before he could react further she walked to her room and closed the room in a thud.

Mahir still couldn't process what just happened and looked confused of her behaviour.

"What just happened to her, is she angry on me by any chance.. but what the hell did I do?", Thought Mahir

"Bhai happy Sunday", yuvi laughed

"Um Bhai, I'll send your breakfast to your room only?", Kuhu too laughed hard

"Ahh Mahir, want some ice bag.. might be useful later?", Sumi teased him

"Jiju I was thinking..", Vish tried to speak

"God, stop you four.. first of all I don't even know what happened, and you all", Mahir left to his room

He went and knocked the door but Bela seems least cared about it.

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