Chapter 64

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"Getting The Happiness Back"

After Anu left, Bela hugged Mahir listening to his heartbeat. Mahir hugged her back and remembering something he backed off and looked at her.

"You.. let's first go home", Mahir said cutting his words

Bela lowered her head as she knew what's gonna come up next. She simply nodded trying to walk but couldn't take proper steps due to the sprain in her leg.

Mahir observed her and picking her in his arms moved forward without looking at her. Yuvi as well Bela understood that Mahir is angry on both of them as well the inner wave knowing about Andy.

On reaching there house Mahir again carried Bela and placed her on the sofa in the living room.

Sumi sees them and comes worried seeing Bela.

"Bela what happened?", Sumi asked concerned

"I'm fine maa, it's just a small sprain", Bela said

"And what happened to your hand Mahir?", Sumi asked going near him

That's when Bela too looked at his hand and rushed to him limping. Mahir caught her and again made her sit.

"Why don't you just sit in a place when you know you can't walk?", Mahir asked annoyed

"Your hand", Bela whispered with moist eyes

"I'm fine Bela, please stay seeted", Mahir requested

"Mom we have to talk", Mahir said after a good silence

Sumi looked confused of what's all happening, but nodding to what Mahir said and settled down beside Mahir.

Mahir and Yuvi told everything what happened, about Vikrant, Anu as well about Andy and Bela's dad.

Sumi broke down and Mahir hugged her trying to calm her flowing emotions. After a few minutes Sumi slowly backed wiping away her tears.

"Maa are you fine?", Mahir asked worried

"Yes Mahir, I'm totally fine.. whatever it is I wouldn't get my Andy back, but the fact that he always loved me is enough to make me smile whenever I think of him", Sumi smiled genuinely

"Don't worry about me Mahir, this truth for sure is bitter but after what already happened.. knowing this feels better", Sumi continued

"And wait, who was that whom Vikrant's dad planned an accident?", Sumi asked suddenly

That's when Mahir thought of Vikrant's words again also of what Bela said last night. As per what Bela said it was only her dad who knew that Andy was innocent, and of what Vikrant said they planned an accident coz someone got to know about this.

He immediately looked at Bela who was looking elsewhere and it felt like she would burst out in tears any moment. He understood it was Bela's parents whom Vikrant's dad planned an accident and killed.

"Bela", Mahir whispered

Bela looked at him and understood that he has figured out but quickly diverted her gaze as she knew she wouldn't be able to control her emotions looking at him.

"I'm sorry Bela, it's coz my family issues you had to loose your parents", Mahir hugged her

Bela couldn't handle more and sobbed in his arms cluching his shirt. Vish and kuhu who just came down also heard Mahir's last words and Vish felt rooted at her place.

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