Chapter 45

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"First Date"

Bela stood there still thinking of his words. The last time they went out was more like a dinner but this time Mahir stated it to be date and the word itself was sending shivers down her spine.

"Ugh Bela, calm down.. he's your husband and it's just a small causal date, so yeah just chill and get ready by 7", Bela tried to calm herself

While on the other side Mahir was sitting in his cabin and thinking of his own words deeply.

"Seriously a date? What do people even do on a date? How do I have to behave?', Mahir kept wondering

He took his phone and started googling about a perfect date and seriously noted a few points in his mind.

"Damn why the am I feeling nervous? It's just a date Mahir", he tried comforting himself

The rest of day passes with both of them thinking about eachother and about what would happen in the evening. Soon Bela sees the clock strikes 7 and she gasps looking at herself who's still in her normal suit.

She heard some voice and peeped put and found Mahir coming upstairs.

"Damn this puntuality idiot, 7 means he's here at sharp seven.. now what do I do, if he see me like this still not ready then pakka he will scold me", Bela thought biting her nails

She looked at the bed where she throwed all her clothes in the process of choosing one. She looked at them horrified and quickly picking everything and dumped it in her cubord and being scared of Mahir's reaction she herself jumped and sat in the cubord and closed the door from inside.

Mahir came inside and frowned not finding Bela there, thinking her to be in the washroom he went and knocked the door but sighed finding it empty.

Deciding to call her he picked his phone and dailed her. Here Bela got panicked the moment her phone rang displaying his name on the screen.

And even before Bela could cut the call Mahir opened the cubord door sensing the sound. He widen his eyes looking at Bela sitting inside the cubord. Before Mahir can question her anything she jumped down making all her clothes fall on both of them.

"Bela what's all this?", Mahir asked her confused

"Um.. don't get angry ok? I'll arrange all these, neatly", Bela said hesitating

"No first tell me why all this?", Mahir asked calmly

"Ahh, I.. I.. actually..", Bela tried to frame words

"Bela tell me, c'mom I won't eat you up", Mahir said

"I just couldn't get anything suitable to wear so I was just searching", Bela said in one go

"And got something good to wear?", Mahir asked

Bela nodded in no and mahir ended up laughing hard which he seem to be controlling till now.

"Is this funny?", Bela asked glaring at him

"No, you are funny.. and cute too", Mahir smiled

Bela smiled at the corner of her lips and saw mahir seeing something in the cubord.

"Wear this, I like you in sarees", Mahir said handing her a beautiful saree

Bela smiled seeing it and quickly went to the washroom to change. She soon came out and Mahir looked at her admiring.

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