Chapter 60

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"First Step"

"He's the one behind all this.. how do we proceed now?", Mahir asked

"Let's fight", Bela said confusing the brothers

"Fight? Who fight, what fight?", Yuvi asked confused

"Look, Vikrant wants me and Mahir ji to break apart.. and as per what he said he will proceed further only after that, and as a part of that only he used Anu and kidnapped me back then.. so if we act and show that there's something off between us he will be satisfied and might also drop the idea of bringing Anu with her fake pregnancy", Bela pointed out

"Yeah that's true, we shouldn't let Anu come home like this and for that we have to pretend to be drifting apart", Mahir said sadly

"Don't worry Mahir ji, we just have to act.. anyhow what happens in our room wouldn't be known by anyone right, we just need to act outside", Bela said

"Yeah.. and also we have to processed further coz we don't have much time.. I think we should start off with his room", Mahir suggested

"What about I take him out tomorrow? I can say that you know Mahir Bhai is not willing to come along and I need his help.. he would believe coz that's what the situation was the last few days", yuvi said

"Yes, that would work.. meanwhile me and Mahir ji would be able to check his room and hopefully get something", Bela said

"Ok then perfect, tomorrow morning yuvi be ready, now go and take rest", Mahir said

Yuvi nodded and left the room and Mahir hugged Bela.

"I love you Bela", Mahir said snuggling her neck

"Not today Mahir ji", Bela said

"Huh? How did you know?", Mahir asked confused

"I just know.. but not today, it's already been a tiring one", Bela laughed

"Yes yes, I know", Mahir kissed her earlobe

"Shall we sleep?", Bela asked

"Not before a kiss", Mahir said in his at most husky voice

Before Mahir could further proceed, Bela locked her lips with his cupping his face and Mahir widen his eyes seeing his wife kissing him roughly as if her life was depended on his soft lips.

Smiling in between, he held her nape kissing her back roughly and sucked her lips tasting each corner in pleasure.

Bela tried to back off feeling short of breath but Mahir pulled her more into him deepening the kiss.. he rested his forehead on hers still brushing his lips against hers giving soft pecks traveling his hands down her waist.

"Mahir", Bela whispered

"What do you make me do Bela", Mahir said squeezing her neck in his lips

"Wait, did you just call me Mahir instead of that oldy ji at last?", Mahir asked backing off

"Huh? Shouldn't I?", Bela asked confused

"You can and should, but you never did right.. so was just surprised", Mahir blushed

"Oh I see, my husband is blushing often these days", Bela smirked

"Perks of being in love", Mahir laughed while Bela too joined laughing hard


Next morning Mahir wokeup hugging his pillow, sensing a different touch he quickly opened his eyes and got up not finding Bela next to him.

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