Chapter 9

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Mahir took the bag and kept his hand inside and pulled out a hoodie. He looks at her who was already looking at him. He again tries searching and pulls out a water bottle.

Though being annoyed, he again tries searching and takes out a first aid box.. and then a dress too.

"A dress!?", Mahir mumbled

"Yeah, what if I would need in any emergency", Bela said

Giving a clear annoyed look to her he again stayed searching in her bag and he found a box, opening it he found rubber bands and two earings also.

"That's why I told you not to check", Bela said irritated

Not listening to her words he again tried checking and took a pepper spray out. Totally annoyed, he put down all the stuff down and not finding any necklace he looks at Bela.

"You got it?", Bela asked

"What?", Mahir asked

"Necklace", Bela said taunting

"I'm sorry on behalf of mahir Bela, please don't take it to heart", Sumi said to Bela

"Aunty you please don't say sorry, there wasn't any mistake of yours", Bela said

Bela was indeed too hurt the moment mahir doubted on her and wanted to check her bag. She still somehow managed to put a normal face just like she do always.

Just then all three looked towards the stairs listening some sound and found kuhu. The thing that surprised them was kuhu wearing the necklace.

"Mom this is really nice, is it for me?", Kuhu asked excited

"Kuhu, when did you take this?", Sumi asked

"I came to your room and found this so I thought you bought it for me", kuhu said casually

"You should have atleast informed me kuhu, I was searching the whole house.. and moreover I bought it for Anu", Sumi said

"Oh ok fine, sorry but what happened now?", Kuhu asked

Sumi looked at Bela feeling guilty and Bela understanding that tried to go away as soon as possible.

"Ok aunty, I'll leave now.. bye kuhu", Bela said and turned to leave

As soon as Bela left Sumi turned towards mahir.

"You shouldn't have did this mahir, I don't know when you will see her in a positive way", Sumi said and left from there


Next morning Bela comes to Sehgal's Mansion and she gets surprised seeing Sumi in the kitchen.

"Aunty, you are cooking?", Bela asked

"Yes Bela, our cook had some emergency so I gave her a leave for today", Sumi said

"Oh then shall I cook, you can take rest", Bela asked

"Arre it's ok Bela, I can manage", Sumi said

"No issues aunty, I cook the best.. you just rest I'll cook everything", Bela said

"Ok fine, call me if you need anything", Sumi said caressing her hair

Bela nodded and Sumi left from there and Bela quickly picking the required stuff started cooking.


"Maa did you cook today? It's really good than everyday", mahir stated taking one morsel

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