Chapter 02 - Meeting Nagito and Hajime

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The sound of the waves crash in a distance. The warmth and brightness of the sun washes over Aaron who's laying tiredly on the sand, his fingertips start to move as he slowly feels himself drifting away from unconsciousness.

"Hey... Can you hear me?" says a soft voice. It was soothing and it somewhat felt relaxing at the same time.

"Uh hey... Nagito, he doesn't seem well. Should we take him to a clinic?.." another voice says, the owner of it seems concerned.

Aaron groaned, trying to move his body. He slowly fluttered his eyes open, which were twitching a bit since they're sensitive from the sunlight. Once he was able to have them fully opened, two figures in front him finally came into view. The first familiar thing he caught sight of, is a fluffy white hair and a spiky brown hair with a pointy ahoge.

Memories started to flood back in his mind, remembering all the unusual events that happened recently. Aaron slowly sat up, carefully looking at the two individuals in front of him.

From what he could recall, he had a nightmare about being transported in Danganronpa and had to participate such ridiculous killing game---

"Wait, nevermind. He's already awake." says the boy with spiky brown hair. From the tone of his voice, he seems relieved.

Aaron froze as he sees the brunet. His pupils started to shake, fear rose again within him, slowly realizing that he's still here. So does that mean, no matter how much he wished this is a dream, it won't actually be fulfilled since what's happening right now is real?


Just great...

"Hey, are you okay?.... You seem out of it..." asks the boy with white fluffy hair. "I know this situation may seem weird and confusing, but---"

"Hold on..." Aaron speaks, raising a hand. He looks at the male whose sentence he just cut off and asks, "Are you by any chance, Komaeda Nagito? The Ultimate Lucky Student?"

Aaron still couldn't accept it. There's no way he could accept this. Everything was already going well in his life and then suddenly he just got dragged into this mess.

"Eh?" the white-haired boy blinked for a moment. From what anyone could tell, he seems surprised. "Why, of course, that's me!" he chirped, looking at Aaron with sudden admiration. "Wow, to think that an Ultimate like you would know a trash like me, I couldn't help but feel honored. How do you know me? Have we met before? No... I'm pretty sure I would remember meeting someone amazing as you---"

Aaron felt even more horrified, but he didn't let it show. He ignored Nagito's ramblings and frantically turned to the brown haired boy who's kneeling beside Nagito.

"Oh no... Please don't tell me...." he almost choked. "Please tell me if I'm wrong but.... are you Hinata Hajime?"

The brown haired boy looked at him, clearly surprised that Aaron knows his name. However, he wondered why the boy looked worried at the sight of him. "No, you're not wrong... That's my name. I'm indeed Hinata Hajime." he replied with confirmation. Then a moment later, he looked at him suspiciously. "...but how did you know?"

Aaron panicked internally once he was able to finally grasp the situation. He wasn't worried about Hajime suspecting him on how he knew his name, he's concerned about being stuck in this place. He doesn't even know how he got here, and there's a possibility that he might not be able to return at this point.

Aaron shook his head, refraining from panicking again. He quickly repressed the emotions he's feeling right now and tried to look calm in front of the two boys. He's willing to bet that they're suspicious of him because he knew their names before they can introduce themselves.

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