Chapter 04 - Introductions (1)

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"What do you want?" Byakuya says rudely.

Nagito smiled awkwardly, asking Byakuya if he has time for a small introduction. Hajime and Aaron watched them for a while.

Byakuya gave out a nod, making it as a sign that he allows it.

Nagito looked pleased and then he smiled towards Aaron and Hajime. "Come on, Hajime... Aaron." he says, gesturing them to introduce themselves.

So Hajime introduced himself first, since he knows that Aaron's shy to do so.

"Um, my name is Hajime Hinata." he says. After that, he looks at Aaron encouragingly to introduce himself.

Aaron gulped a bit. However, he decided to act confident and faced Byakuya. "My name is Aaron Akehira." he says, introducing himself as well.

Byakuya looked at them with a glare, then he introduced himself. "My name is Byakuya Togami." he says. "... I'm done. That's it, right? Back off."

Hajime sweated a bit, looking at Byakuya awkwardly. 'I-I can tell... this guy is thumbing his nose at me...' he thought.

Nagito puts a hand on his own chin. "Well, that's Byakuya for you." he says.

This made Hajime face him. "What do you mean?..." he asked curiously.

Nagito started explaining some of Byakuya's background information, he also included telling him the heir's achievements. While Aaron just stood there beside them, listening patiently even though he already knows about it.

After Nagito's explanation, this made Hajime pause and observe Byakuya for a moment. A moment later, he took a glance towards Aaron, then back to Byakuya.

'Huh, looks like Aaron was right. This Byakuya doesn't look approachable. He seems to have an overwhelming aura that pushes people away...' Hajime thought to himself. Then he eyed Aaron again. 'Aaron seems to know a lot.. I don't know about this peculiar heritance that he's talking about earlier... but for some reason, some words that comes out from his mouth are accurate.'

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by Byakuya.

"You there. Hajime and Aaron, was it...?" Byakuya says, looking at the two boys who has unknown talents. This made Hajime snap back to reality, while Aaron turned to Byakuya in attention.

"Eh?" Hajime says.

"Tell me... Why did Hope's Peak Academy choose you? What is your ultimate talent?" questioned the fake heir.

"Um...Th-The thing is...I honestly can't remember." Hajime trailed off, looking down on the ground with a bit of shame.

This made Byakuya widened his eyes in surprise. "What? You don't remember?" he asked, glaring at the poor Hajime.

Aaron sweated a bit. Though this may not be the real Byakuya, this imposter's acting is really good, it made Aaron feel intimidated. 'Such a great acting... As expected of the Ultimate Imposter...' he thought to himself. As he watches Hajime looking a bit nervous, he decided to step forward as well, trying to make the brunet feel that he's not alone.

"He's not the only one though, I also can't remember my ultimate talent." Aaron says, acting as a support for Hajime.

This made Byakuya arched a brow after hearing such information.

Nagito chuckled awkwardly and came to their rescue. "Apparently, they lost their memories due to shock... They can't really remember much." he explained for them.

"Hmph. How foolish." Byakuya commented.

"Um..." Hajime tries to say something, but the heir interrupted him.

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