Chapter 09 - The So-Called Bomb

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Hey guys! I'm backkk! I'm half alive and half dead hahahhaa

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Hey guys! I'm backkk! I'm half alive and half dead hahahhaa. (≧ω≦) ♡

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Aaron decided to stick with Hajime and followed him around. Here's the reason why, since he didn't play the game and only watched a few clips from YouTube, he should tag along with Hajime sometimes in order to recall or know some details of what happened in the game.

Well, setting those thoughts aside, there's something Aaron was genuinely curious of. Ever since he found himself in this world, he noticed that his clothes changed. Honestly, it's kinda weird, but he loved the hoodie he's wearing so it's fine.

//As you should. The higher ups are the ones who designed it!//

Aaron gasped and slipped on the stairs he was stepping on.

Hajime let out an surprised yelp as he saw Aaron crash on the floor. "Aaron!" he exclaimed as he went after him. "Hey, are you alright...?" he asked.

Aaron groaned as he helped himself up. "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. Just having bad luck."

A moment later, he focused his attention back to the mysterious voice. He decided to call it with that name because he ain't creative.

//My name is Deirdre, you freakin' peabrain. You could have at least asked.//

Aaron rolled his eyes. 'Well, you're the one who kidnapped me here. Who on earth in their right mind would give introductions to their kidnapper?' he snapped in his thoughts.


'So, what does this number 13 mean on my jacket?' Aaron asked telepathically as he points on the left side of his chest.

//Dunno. It's probably for design purposes.//

Aaron could feel Deirdre rolling her eyes, which made him frown a bit. 'Okay then...'

As they reached to the hotel lobby, they saw Mahiru and Sonia talking to each other.

"Do not tell too!?" Sonia gasped when Hajime approached then.

"Huh? Me too? What are you talking about?" Hajime asked, obviously confused.

Aaron just followed from behind, curious at what they were discussing. He'll just remain silent and listen through their conversation. That way, he might probably gather some more understanding about some events that happened in this game.

Sonia smiled awkwardly. "Oh... Miss Mahiru has asked me to take a leadership position..." she explained.

"Well, Byakuya is being too forceful about leading us. Doesn't that raise a flag?" Mahiru pointed out. It seems she still hasn't accepted Byakuya as a leader. "Please, Sonia, think about it again. Don't you think you should be the leader instead?" she tried to convince the princess.

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