Chapter 10 - Memories, Phobias, and Amnesia

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'Oookay, so it seems that Monomi has already appeared! She was just late.' Aaron thought. He felt relieved at that and just stayed there, silently observing everyone.

Poor Monomi got casted away later on and Sonia felt bad for her, but some students didn't feel the same way as the princess. Aaron understood why most of them would be hostile towards this bunny. For people who doesn't know where Monomi came from and who programmed her, it's definitely hard to trust her, especially since she's the one who brought all of students here in the first place.

It'll be unrealistic if they aren't hostile towards her. Any normal person would be cautious and untrusting towards an individual who kidnapped them. Even if this culprit may act nice to them, it'll be hard for them to believe that they don't have any bad intentions. So the only ones here who are trusting enough towards Usami, are Aaron and Chiaki. However, Chiaki isn't aware about what Aaron knew.

Now that everyone had spread out and searched for any clues for a way out in this island, Aaron just stayed on the supermarket.

For him, it's pointless searching around. After all, they're inside a virtual world, getting out of here won't be an easy feat.

Aaron just sat on the floor, eating a hotdog bun. He also has other snacks and a drink enqueued, which are: Honey Butter chips, french fries, and coffee. He doesn't know whether he'll survive or not. Heck, he doesn't even know if he can 100% win the bet, so it's better to eat the foods he love before dying. Plus, eating helps him decrease stress and keep himself at least mentally stable.

'I just hope nobody finds me here. I lied that I'm gonna help searching for clues, but here I am, taking my sweet time~' he thought with a grin.

As he was about to take another bite, once again trying to savor the taste of the hotdog bun, a voice suddenly interrupted him.


Aaron almost screamed in surprise when he heard someone mentioning his name. Unfortunately, his shock made him drop the food he was eating. When he realized that, he internally mourned for the fallen hotdog bun.

Chiaki noticed the sullen look on Aaron's face and was about to apologize, but Aaron suddenly moved before she can even do so.

Aaron quickly picked up the bun as fast as lightning. Then he shouted, "Three seconds hasn't passed yet! So I'm still allowed to eat it!!!"

Aaron blew the food, then he gently patted away some of the hotdog bun's areas, making sure there is no dust left.

"Um, I think it would be preferable if you get another one...I'm sorry by the way." despite seeing the calm and poker-faced expression of Chiaki, she seems a bit concerned and guilty.

"Nah, it's fine! I followed the three second rule, so it's still safe! It's also not good to waste food." Aaron smiled. "Also, no need to apologize. It was just an accident." he assured. At the same time, he's also checking the hotdog bun's condition. Once he assumed that it's all clean, he took a bite and chewed. Then he looked at Chiaki, wondering what brings her here. "So, what's up? Are you trying to find any clues in this supermarket?" he asked.

Chiaki nodded. "I guess you could say that. Sometimes, unexpected places can have clues."

"Ohhh! So you're thinking that there might be some hidden passages in here?" Aaron perked up. "In some of the games I played, there are clues and puzzles that needs to be solved, and then some secret doors or passageways would be unlocked...Monokuma said we're in a killing game, the word game is still there. So there might be some similarities that may apply."

Chiaki lightened up when Aaron brought up this kind of topic. "You play games too?"

Aaron's smile widened. "Well, yes! Sometimes, whenever I have free time or whenever I feel like it!" he replied. Then something crossed his mind. "Say, are you familiar of Gala Omega...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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