Chapter 06 - Introductions (3)

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The three boys spotted a certain large individual who's standing near a pool. He has a chain hanging around his shoulders and he looks very muscular. Aaron quickly recognized this person as Nekomaru Nidai, the Ultimate Team Manager.

The three of them decided to approached him.

Nekomaru noticed their presence and turned his attention towards them. "Hm...? That's right, you haven't told me your name..." he spoke. "My name... I am the Ultimate Team Manager, NEKOMARU NIDAI!!!"

"U-Um...hello. My name is Hajime Hinata..." Hajime said.

Before Aaron could introduce himself as well, Nekomaru suddenly shouted at their dear protagonist.

"Hold it right there! Your voice is too soft! Let your voices rise from the bottom of your stomach!" yelled the team manager.

"U-Um, I'm Hajime Hinata!" Hajime tried to make his voice a bit louder.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough for Nekomaru. "Noooo! You can be louder than that! Do it again!" he insisted.

Because of this, Hajime was forced to make his voice more louder than before. "My name is Hajime Hinata! Pleased to make your acquaintance!"

After that, Nekomaru stared at Aaron, as if he's expecting him to do the same thing as well.

For a moment, Aaron stood there awkwardly. Then he decided to follow Hajime's footsteps. "My name is AARON AKEHIRA! It is a pleasure to meet you!" he yelled on the top of his lungs.

Nekomaru looked satisfied, so he loudly introduced himself again. "I AM NEKOMARU NIDAI! Don't forget it, even if you go to hell!... I am the Ultimate Team Manager, NEKOMARU NIDAI!!!" he shouted.

"My, my... what a passionate individual." Aaron complimented, giving him his best smile. "But you don't need to repeat your name so much. We won't forget it."

Nekomaru laughed. "Gah-hahaha! I agree to your terms!"

After that, Nagito started explaining to them about Nekomaru's talent and background information. As he talks to Hajime, Aaron remained silent and listened to their conversation patiently. While Nekomaru just laughed boisterously.

After that, their conversation with him was over and the three of them went inside a hotel lobby.

When they entered from the door, Aaron saw the people who's present in this area. Namely, Peko Pekoyama (the Ultimate Swordswoman) and Chiaki Nanami (the Ultimate Gamer). Of course, he recognized them at first glance.

"Huh, the Ultimate Swordswoman and the Ultimate Gamer..." Aaron mumbled in admiration.

"Oh. Is your weird memory hitting up again?" Nagito asked.

Aaron just shrugged. "Yeah, I guess... It seems to be happening often..."

Nagito hummed, he seemed relieved. That's because he thought Aaron is slowly regaining back his memories as an informant (the informant talent was just his theory though, he only assumed that he is the Ultimate Informant).

"I see." the luckster nodded. A moment later, he decided to change the subject. "By the way, this place looks grand, even in the inside." he says, looking at the place in admiration.

However, Hajime has a frowned expression. "If this was really a normal school trip, I'd be smiling by now... But why are we the only ones in this hotel?"

"Now, now. It's an uninhabited island, it can't be helped." Nagito explained once again. Then he suggested that the three of them could roam around for a while.

Along the way, they approached Chiaki Nanami, who's really engrossed with the game at this moment.

Aaron stared at her. He suddenly felt sadness as he remembered the gamer's death from Danganronpa 3 Despair Arc. For him, that execution was more depressing compared to the one in the simulation. It's strange really, to think he would feel this way towards fictional characters. It's strange that he felt hurt by seeing Chiaki die twice. He couldn't help but think everyone deserved better. Unfortunately, that's just how Danganronpa works. Nothing is really happy when it comes to this cruel universe.

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