Chapter 08 - Destination Despair

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"Where are you? Come out, right now!"

Aaron watched the rabbit yell for Monokuma to come out, while other students just stood there, feeling confused.

After a while, Monokuma finally decided to show himself in front of everyone. Then he started introducing himself as the headmaster of the school. On the other hand, Monomi look shocked, she clearly didn't expect him to be here.

Monokuma ranted about how bored he is and started saying things like meeting the demands of the world, and how everyone doesn't want to see high school students living calm peaceful lives, instead they want to see other people's misery and despair.

Despite Aaron's knowledge about what's bound to happen, he's barely able to stand at this point, because his legs are shaking. Luckily, he was able to control it for a while, preventing himself from kneeling on the ground.

Later on, Monomi tries to stop Monokuma. Unfortunately, the bear was too strong for her to handle. Everyone watched her get beaten up by him, and broke her magic wand. After that, Monokuma changed Monomi's clothes, by making her look like his image. Then he started spouting nonsense about her being his little sister and stuff.

Monomi tries to fight Monokuma again, but in the end, she fails miserably.

"Hey... what's up with this stupid performance?" Fuyuhiko shouted as he glared at the two stuff toys who fought just earlier.

"Wh-Who friggin' knows...!" Akane exclaimed. She also seems confused.

"Hmm. But... it's obvious something bad is happening." Chiaki said.

"Whaa--!? What is this? What's going on!?" Teruteru asked.

"Huh? Now she's all weird-looking!" Mahiru commented as she stared at Monomi.

At that, Monokuma felt offended at the ultimate photographer's words. "Weird-looking...? She matches me now, you know! How insensitive..."

'Like I care! You're the one who's going to make us kill each other anyway!' Aaron cried out in his thoughts.

"What the-- there's more of 'em!?" Ibuki shouted, placing both hands on her cheeks.

"W-What does this mean? What *is* that black and white tanuki?" Peko questioned.

Monokuma felt annoyed and corrected her that he's a bear, not a tanuki.

"What's going on? I-I don't understand it myself.... but a new stuffed animal appeared?" Kazuichi said.

At that moment, Monokuma grew even more annoyed and his face started to turn red from anger. "Seriously, I'm not a stuffed animal, I'm Monokuma! The headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy!" he yelled at them.

"Monokuma...?" Nagito looked at the bear in confusion.

"Huh..? Did you say headmaster!?" Nekomaru asked.

After Monokuma finally calmed down, he started to speak about the situation right now. " appears everyone has gathered." he said. "Now then, as the headmaster, I shall make a formal declaration!"

Aaron sweated, starting to gulp at what the bear is going to say next. He hoped that he won't faint when he hears it.

"From this point onward, the killing school trip will now commence!"

After saying those words, Monokuma started laughing loudly. "A school trip where everyone gets along has no stimulation at all! And it's so damn boring!" he commented. "Nobody wants to play a game like that! Don't you agree with me, right!?"

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