Chapter 05 - Introductions (2)

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After leaving Hajime and Nagito with Mikan for a while, Aaron looked around the place, choosing some snacks to eat. He couldn't help but sigh at this weird day. Until now, he still couldn't figure out how he got here.

'Seriously, what on earth is this? Just what on earth is my purpose in this place?' he questioned in his thoughts.

Suddenly, some letters appeared from mid air, making Aaron stumble backwards. He stared at the floating blue words and read what it says:

//If you knew the grave consequences, then you shouldn't have participated in that wager. Now you'll have to take responsibility and become their guinea pig.//

Aaron looked at the statement in confusion, trying to prevent himself from hyperventilating.

//Oh? Judging by your reaction, you must've forgotten. How foolish.//

Aaron wants to shout, but he couldn't find his voice. He just stood there, frozen.

//Well, it doesn't matter. You lost the bet. So as a result, you'll have to pay the price.//

The boy took deep breath, trying to compose himself.

"W-What do you mean...?" he said in a whisper.

Are they asking them to participate in this killing game? But these aren't the fictional characters anymore that he had thought. They're all alive and breathing, he had even confirmed that they're real, in the flesh.

//Heh. Of course. They're all real, you pathetic little fool. The authors of your world may not realize this... As long as the creator invent a story with burning passion, everything becomes alive and real, and they don't realize that.//

"H-How did you..." Aaron stared in surprise, wondering how this thing knows about what he was thinking.

//I can read your thoughts.//

"Oh." That's what Aaron could only say.

//Now, in order to lessen your confusion. I will explain some things that might satisfy your curiousity...//

Aaron narrowed his eyes suspiciously at those floating words, but he listened attentively.

//You are now part of this world as a character. That's why Usami and Chiaki Nanami aren't wondering about your sudden appearance. You automatically had a life in here, you had history, and memories in this world.//

Aaron's eyes widened. Before he could open his mouth, the strange screen interrupted him.

//I advice you to speak in your thoughts, if you don't want to be considered as a crazy person.//

As Aaron took process of those words, he clamped his mouth shut and started to speak in his thoughts.

'What do you mean I automatically exist here as a character!? Wait..., if I am in the Neo World Program right now, doesn't that mean I'm also a Remnant of Despair?' he asked in a very terrified voice. Horror can be clearly seen in his eyes.

//Your reaction is pathetic. Cease that ridiculous expression of yours if you want to survive.//

Aaron glared at the floating words. 'So what does this mean then? Was I transported here before the tragedy happened? And my memories were erased, that's why I think I got transported recently?' he asked in the mind link.

//That is for you to find out.//

Aaron grew irritated at this answer.

//By the way, about your purpose in here... We made a bet about how long will an ordinary person like you would last in this world. Our bets are still ongoing.//

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