Chapter 03 - Mr. Know-it-all?

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While Nagito talks to Hajime about him doing some research about the Ultimates, Aaron just walked silently with them because he's lazy to speak at this moment.

"Now that I've come to think of it, I also don't recall seeing Aaron's name in there..."

Aaron perked up at the mention of his name. Out of curiosity, he looked at Nagito and spoke to him. "Huh, so my name isn't there... Just like Hajime's?" he asked, arching brow. For some reason, he doesn't know why he felt amused.

"Yes, but I might have overlooked it... Well, it's not your fault if you really can't remember." Nagito replied with a smile.

Aaron sweated a bit. He couldn't help but imagine the part where Nagito's attitude changed towards Hajime, because he found out that the brunet was talentless.

'Gee, imagining the thought of Nagito roasting me for my incompetence, I'll probably won't be able to sleep at night.' he thought to himself. He prefers to be talked badly for something that is false, rather than something that is true.

Well, whatever. As long as he doesn't find out, he should be safe for a while. Also, it's not like he exists in this world anyway.

"Well... Have you guys ever wondered that our talents might be related to something illegal? That's why our names aren't there? If that's the case, I would understand why such talents should be kept in secret." Aaron smirked, sneaking a glance towards Hajime. "I mean, for example, what if there's an Ultimate Assassin? I wonder how people would react to such talent?" he snickered at his last statement. Just saying the word assassin, reminds him of Maki Harukawa from Danganronpa V3.

For some reason, Aaron didn't know what hit him. He just thought that messing with them would at least relieve his stress or something.

"W-What!?" Hajime exclaimed as he heard Aaron's statement. Are their talents really related to something illegal? He really does hope not. "No way! As far as I know, I've never done something illegal." he protested.

Aaron grinned, arching up his brow again. "Oh? Are you sure about that, Mr. Ultimate Amnesiac?" he challenged. "As far as I know, you don't remember your talent. Who knows that might not be the only thing? What if some memories of your life were also erased?" he theorized, starting to form a creepy smile on his lips.

This made Nagito and Hajime sweat a bit. Unlike Hajime, the one who looked awkward was Nagito.

"I could say the same thing to you." Hajime retorted, starting to feel a bit annoyed with the nickname.

Aaron just rolled his eyes, putting his hands from behind. "Fair enough." he says and walks ahead of them.

A few minutes later, the three of them finally arrived at a park. Aaron looked at the bronze statue of various animals, he couldn't help but whistle in amazement. In the game, it looks kinda okay, but seeing the statue personally, it hits really different. "Dang, this statue is freakin' huge." he stated in awe.

"Wow! What a grand statue!" Nagito said brightly, looking at the statue in admiration.

"Yeah, it's grand...but isn't it also kind of creepy?" Hinata commented.

Aaron chuckled. "What makes it creepy, ahoge boy?" he asked, tilting his head. Right now, he clearly enjoys giving him nicknames.

"A-Ahoge boy...?" Hajime says, frowning a bit at the nickname.

"Eh? You think so? I think it looks splendid!" Nagito says, looking at Hajime. "I mean, look at it. It probably symbolizes the whole island."

Aaron just shrugged, trying to play along with them while the fun still lingers here for a moment. "Yeah, marshmallow boy here is right." he nodded. "It really does seem to be the symbol of this island."

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