Chapter 07 - Aaron's Worries And The Beach

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On their way walking to the beach, Aaron silently looked at his surroundings.

He couldn't help but think about the deal. Should he accept it? It's not like he has any other options...

//Finally considering the deal?//

Aaron almost jumped at the sudden voice inside his head. 'W-What the---'

From the sound of its voice sounds robotic, he couldn't identify whether it is from a male or female. 

//Hehehe! This time, I'm communicating through to your mind!.... Now, speak to me like you did earlier!//

Aaron frowned, he felt irritated of being caught by surprise. 'Ugh, fine. So okay... If I successfully managed to kill everyone and make Teruteru get away from his crimes, this world will restart without my existence, right? Everything would go back to normal And I'll be back in my world again, right?' he asked, trying to state what he understood. It is always important to make sure of everything.

//Yes! So you're saying yes? Cuz it sounds like you want to participate in our new game!//

Aaron rolled his eyes. 'I didn't give you my answer...yet... I'm still thinking about this, so bother me later...'

//Hm. Okay then... I'll wait, as long as it's before where the party happens.//

'Yeah, so go away now. I need more time to mentally prepare myself for Monokuma's arrival.'

//You're so mean~ You act like you don't like my deal...//

Aaron gave out a glare, thought he doesn't know which direction he'll look into, because the one talking to him is inside his head. 'Shut up...' he growled in the mind link.

//Oh? Why are you upset? You don't like it?//

'Of course I don't! This deal would make bring myself to trouble from everyone! What if my plan fails? I'll definitely be despised by everyone!'



//You know, you might think I don't notice it... But I know you're secretly enjoying this... Sure, you didn't ask to come here and you want to go back in your world... However, there is one secret that I know about you...//

At this, Aaron looked confused. But then, a moment later, realization started to sink in. Though he chose not to say it. 'W-What are you talking about...?' he asked. Suddenly, he heard a maniacal laughter inside his head.

//Hahahahaha! You know what I'm talking about!... Sheesh, why are you so ashamed to say it!?//

'I really don't know what you're talking about.' Aaron denied.

//.... Sigh. So stubborn...//

Aaron rolled his eyes. Before he was about to say something, he was quickly interrupted.

//...You love being hated.//

Aaron arched a brow. He couldn't help but feel confused. Of course he isn't fond of making others hate him, that'll just put him into more danger. Just what on earth is this thing talking about?

//You love being hated by other people... You enjoy it... I know you do. And I know very well that you want to participate this game and mess with everyone to your heart's content!//

Aaron grimaced at the ridiculous assumption. As far as he knew, he isn't the chaotic type. Upon hearing this statement, he just rolled his eyes and scoffed. 'Bastard. Stop saying such false accusations.' he said. 'I'm not a friggin' masochist like Nagihoe.'

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