Chapter 2

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Shadow was outside the daycare with Ruby happy that it was open.

"Ok Ruby I have to go to school and your gonna be here at the daycare. I'm gonna pick you up after I get out of school. Ok?"

"Ok daddy."

With Ruby's response Shadow took her into the daycare.

"Umm hello there I'm here to drop off my daughter for awhile."

"Ok well let me take your name so that..."

The Pokemon behind the counter looked at him with a shocked face.

"I'm sorry how old are you?" They asked.

"I'm 16. I know how much of a surprise that is."

"Well that's not the oddest thing I've seen at this job. Anyway all I need is your name and the time you plan on picking her up."

So Shadow put down his name and put the time he planned on picking Ruby up.

Meanwhile Shard was finally walking to school both nervous and excited for the events that would partake today.

I wonder what will happen today. Maybe I can make a new friend. Well at the very least I'll hopefully learn something new. Mom always says she wants me to get into a good college, but I don't really mind if I get into a good college as long as I get a decent job.

Shard finally saw the high school coming into view.

Well all my questions will be answered and thankfully it's the first day of the school year so I don't have to catch up on anything.

Meanwhile Shadow was nearly at school and had a nervous expression on his face.

Maybe I'll finally make a real friend this year. But I can't get my hopes up.

And with that thought he stepped into the school when he hit his head on something.

What did I hit my head on. I can't even reach the top of the door unless I jump.

Shadow was definitely not at the usual height for an Umbreon but he wasn't the shortest person in the school. Somehow.

When Shadow looked up he saw a Glaceon looking back at him looking embarrassed.

"U-umm hi there." The Glaceon stuttered.

"Umm h-hello there. Are you new here I've never seen you here before."

"Yeah, my name's Shard. What's your name?"

"My name's Shadow."

Even though Shadow is mostly antisocial he wasn't the type to stutter alit. At least not anymore.

"Shadow's a cool name. Well maybe I'll see you around I gotta get to class."

"Yeah I also gotta get to class. Well see ya later."

With that Shadow walked towards his first class. When Shadow finally got to class he took a seat near the back of the class. After a few minutes he saw a familiar Glaceon walk through the door.

What are the odds that we have the same homeroom.

When Shard looked around the room she saw Shadow sitting alone in the corner. She smiled and walked over.

"Is this seat taken?"

"No, by all means sit." Shadow said with a small smile.

After homeroom ended Shadow went to math class. Which wasn't his favorite call but it wasn't the worst class.

After math class ended Shadow went to battling class. (Battling class is basically lifetime sports aka traditional gym class)

Battling class was probably his favorite class since he was decently athletic and could hold his own in a battle. Surprisingly he saw Shard in the class as well.

Wow I didn't really expect to see her in this class. But I should've expected her to be in this class.

Alright class we aren't really going to do any battling today so do whatever you want I don't care.

Yay I can sit around and do nothing today.

"Hey shard. I didn't expect to see you in this class."

"Yeah I picked this class to get the credits out of the way."

"Yeah that's one of the reasons I picked this class too. But also because I life a good challenge."

"Well your better than my brother in that regard. He just sits around all day doing nothing. And he has a college degree."

"Wow what is the degree for."

"It's an art degree. He's a good artist but he hasn't made any art to sell because as he puts it. 'Once I have the motivation I'll make a painting.' Which probably will be never."

This got a chuckle out of Shadow as he wasn't expecting that response.

"I guess that explains it." He chuckled.

"Yeah well I'll see you later. Since class is almost over."

"Is it really almost over!" Shadow said surprised.

With that the rest of the day went by with history going by quick as well as science which was in a 2 hour block. (Basically like PBL the class he took would be like my class I'm taking next year called science in the bay where at the end of the year I'll be able to experience what it's like to scuba dive.)

Well now that the school days over I have to pick up Ruby. Hopefully she had fun. And then we have to go to the hell hole that is the house my parents live in. Even though they do care when they're sober at least. That's why I stay away from alcohol.

While his parents never physical harmed Ruby they did harm him on more than one occasion. And they've done plenty of psycological damage as well in their drunken outbursts. But Shadow didn't care anymore.

Only 2 more years then I can move away from my parents.

He had finally arrived at the daycare when he felt a vibration from his pocket. When he checked his phone he saw he had a text message and it read.

'Hi Shadow it's Shard just wanted to make sure you have my number so we can chat outside of school's

This made Shadow confused as he never told her his phone number.

'How did you get my phone number Shard?' was his reply

Shard: I have my ways ;)

Shadow: I feel like your implying that I shouldn't ask questions.

Shard: probably a good choice :)

I said this would be longer than the last chapter.

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