Chapter 17

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It was the next week and Shadow, Flame, Speed and Grass were all talking during their first class while Shard read a story.

"Yeah anyday this week she could just walk into the school so don't be surprised if she walks in today or even tomorrow." Shadow said.

"Aww man I forgot my popcorn." Flame said.

"What is it with you and popcorn?" Grass asked.

"I just like it." Flame responded.

"More like addicted." Speed mumbled.

Just then the 4 of them heard Shard say.

"Do you guys hear that?" Shard asked.

Just then they started to hear footsteps coming down the hall but everyone that was on their class was already here.

"Who could be coming down the hall?" Shard asked.

Then everyone had their suspicions. While they kept listening they saw a Sylveon and Umbreon enter their class.

"Speak of the fucking devil." Grass said shaking his head.

"They act like they own the place with the way their walking." Speed said.

"I have never seen someone as ugly as those 2." Flame said.

"My eyes are dieing looking at them." Shard said.

"I can't look away. They look so ridiculous." Shadow said.

But then Sylvia and the Umbreon started walking over to them.

"Hello Shadow. Other freaks." Sylvia said disgusted.

"Have you looked in a mirror?" Shard asked making the others chuckle.

"What your lip you little bitch." Sylvia said.

"No one's talks to Shard like that." Shadow said getting angry and so was Grass and Flame while speed was just shaking his head.

"So how's Ruby been. By the way I want her back." Sylvia said.

"You forfeited your rights for her so no can do. Also you think I would let you have your daughter after you never even texted to see how she was doing, your idioticness makes me laugh." Shadow said.

All this did was make Sylvia mad.

Just get outta here Sylvia." Grass said glaring at her.

"Come on Dark let's go talk to some nice people." Sylvia said walking away.

"Well she's definitely a bitch." Speed said when she walked away.

"Doesn't seem like she's changed." Flame said as well.

"Yeah, well the bells about to ring why don't we all meet up at my house. There's plenty of room." Shard said.

"Yeah sure why not I'm not doing anything." Flame replied as well as Speed.

"Yeah sure my parents are out of town. What about you Shadow?" Grass asked.

"Well the funny thing is. I actually moved in with Shard's family." Shadow said blushing as well as Shard.

"Well look at you Shadow." Grass said smirking.

"Shut up Grass." Shadow said hitting him on the back of his head.

After Shadow said that the bell rung. And they got ready for class.

Nothing interesting happened apart from a small fight between a Pikachu and a Lycanroc that ended with the Lycanroc winning. Other than that nothing happened and Shadow and Shard were waiting for the others outside of the school.

"So Shadow do you think they'll be picking on you when we're there?" Shard asked him.

"Definitely." he replied as he saw them approaching.

"Alright let's get going." Shard said

As they started walking Shard noticed that Shadow's friends were smirking at him making her laugh.

When they got there Shadow opened the door and was immediately tackled by Ruby who was hiding above the door as Wave watched.

"I missed you Dad!" Ruby exclaimed.

"I missed you too Ruby." Shadow said laughing.

"Hey Mom I'm home." Shard yelled stifling her laugh as Ruby was using Shadow as a jungle gym. Shard could also tell the other were holding back laughter.

"Aww how cute." Grass said making everyone stare at him including Ruby.

"What, you can't tell me I'm wrong." Grass said.

Jewel walked around the wall and saw everyone.

"Oh hi I didn't expect any guests today." Jewel said.

"Hi Mom these are Shadow's teammates from hockey, that's Grass, and Flame as well as Speed."

"Well it's nice to meet you all Wave is for once not sleeping on the couch but he's still on the couch." Jewel said.

"Alright let's go try and hijack the couch." Shard said.

"Now I see why you like her." Flame said smirking causing Shadow to stomp on his foot.

As they walked into the living room they saw Wave switching between channels on the TV. As he looked over he brightened up.

"Shadow just the guy I wanted to see." Wave said.

"What do you need Wave?" Shadow asked.

"Well me and some friends want to organize a charity event centered around a 3v3 hockey game and we need a 6th player. Are you interested?" Wave asked.

"Yeah sure what day is it?" Shadow asked.

"It's going to be this upcoming Saturday. But I also need some help practicing beforehand to make it more entertaining. All my other friends have played hockey before but I just know how to skate I've never really tried playing hockey and I don't want to ask my friends for help." Wave told him.

"Yeah sure we can practice tomorrow after I get out of practice." Shadow said.

"Well good luck with that our families make us come home immediately so we won't be able to help." Flame said as Grass nodded.

"That's fine, I'm not just a defenseman guys. I can be good at offense I just prefer to play physical." Shadow said.

"Anyway why don't we talk about Sylvia and the situation at paw." Grass said.

"Yeah why the fuck does she think she can just have Ruby back just like that. That's fucked up."

"Yeah. Obviously your not gonna let her see Ruby especially since she never asked how she was doing."

"Yeah I'm never gonna let Ruby go near Sylvia, she's definitely not a good influence. And I don't think Ruby would ever want to go with her. Plus Ruby always mentions her by her name."

"Wait dad are you saying that Sylvia moved back here?" Ruby asked walking in.

"Well since I can't lie to you yes she did and she wants you to live with her and not me." Shadow explained.

"I'd never want to move in or see her though." Ruby complained.

"I know and I don't want you to."

Can I hang out with Mommy?" Ruby asked pointing at Shard making Shadow's friends as well as Wave smirk.

"Of course you can Ruby." Shadow told her as Ruby ran over to a blushing Shard.

And that's the end of another chapter. I'm actually updating frequently this week after not really updating for a month frequently so yay. I'm enjoying writing this.

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