Part 5

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“Lilly, Fred, come on!” I heard Mrs Weasley scream up the stairs, making me jump and smudge the nail polish on Fred’s toes.

“Dammit” I sighed, glaring at the gold streak across the skin of his big toe before scrubbing it off with a wipe and touching it up. “Wait thirty seconds then you can put your sock on” I tell him as I replaced the lid on the varnish and shoved it back into my barely used makeup bag before throwing the bag into my trunk, shutting the lid and locking it.

The bedroom door flew open and I looked up to see Hermione standing in the doorway. Her mouth was open, as though she’d just about to say something but something had distracted her…something like Fred’s painted toes. “What on earth?” She asked, peering at his feet and taking in Fred’s painted toe nails. “You let her paint your toenails?”

 “Yup” he grinned “and my finger nails” he flashed her his painted finger nails before grabbing his sock and shoving his foot into it.

Whilst I was confined to my room, I’d been watching a tutorial on YouTube, a muggle internet browser, about how to draw stuff and what brushes to use. Of course I immediately, because I was grounded, I sent my friends into to town to buy as much equipment and different coloured nail varnish as they could (with dad’s money of course; he still doesn’t know that ten pound pocket money a month would usually suffice and he ends up giving me a couple hundred every time. I see no need to educate him) before practicing as much as I could on myself.

So, on Fred’s big toe I painted the Gryffindor lion with the house colours in the background, on the next one in was a Raven with Ravenclaw’s house colours in the back ground; for his middle toe I did the Hogwarts crest, after that was a badger for Hufflepuff and, on his little toe, I only managed green and silver, for Slytherin, because his nail was too small to paint a snake. I’d replicated this design on his other foot and on his finger nails (actually managing to fit the snake on.)


Fred shrugged “she said that she would let me paint hers if I let her paint mine.”

I smiled and showed Hermione my surprisingly perfect manicured nails which were also painted turquoise, my favourite colour. “He did a good job actually. We can do yours on the way to school if you want?”

She thought about this for a moment before smiling “yeah, ok, sure. Anyway, come on; Mrs Weasley is panicking about the time. Reckons we won’t get there on time and, to be honest, we’re pushing it a bit.”

“How’re we getting there?” I asked, sliding off the bed and picking my trunk up at one end

“Mr Weasley’s car” she replied.

“He’s expecting us all to fit in that tiny car?” I frowned.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover” Fred told me “dad modified it so it’s bigger on the inside; only, don’t tell mum. She’ll go spare if she finds out.”

Hermione helped me with my trunk and, as we descended the stairs, she said “you’re actually really good at art, Lil; why don’t you do some at school? You can cast magic on the finished piece to make it move.”

Lilliana Snape Book Two (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now