Part 6

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“Of all the idiotic things that you two have ever done, this is the worst!” Hermione hissed at Harry and Ron. “You two were lucky that you weren’t expelled; what on earth were you thinking?!”

“Oh, I’m sorry” frowned Ron “I didn’t realise that you were my mother!”

Harry and Ron hadn’t turned up to the sorting; they missed out on watching the new Gryffindors join us and on the food. We didn’t see them again until we returned to Gryffindor tower, where they were sitting in our usual spot by the fire. That’s when they told us that they hadn’t been on the train and that they had flown Arthur’s car to school. Hermione went ballistic.

“Don’t start, Ron!” She snapped.

“Would you stop for one second, Hermione” Harry asked, looking irritated “there was a reason that we flew to school!”

Harry then launched into his explanation; saying that the barrier to platform 9 and ¾ wouldn’t let them through and when they realised that it had gone eleven and that the train had gone they resorted to desperate measures and took the car.

“And you didn’t think to wait around for Molly and Arthur?” Hermione growled “or send an owl? You two are such idiots!”

“Well I’m sorry that we did something stupid whilst panicking about getting to school” Ron snapped.

“Give it a rest” I sighed “all of you. What you did was stupid, yeah, but it’s done now so just stop it.” I looked pointedly at Hermione who looked as though her head was just about ready to explode.

Hermione let out a huff of frustration before she glared at the two boys and said “I’m going to bed!” She took two paces before stopping and looking over her shoulder. “I’m glad you’re alright” she told them fiercely before continuing across the common room and up the stairs to the girl’s dormitory.

I smiled a little at her retreating back; no matter how angry she got with them there was always that tiny piece of her that loved them anyway. “So, have you two eaten?” I asked, hopeful that they hadn’t. I’d pigged out at the feast, as usual, but I left space for more if I ended up eating later.

“God, you’re worse than Ron, you are!” Harry grinned.

“Hey” Ron frowned “I resent that, Harry!”

“Tough” he laughed before turning back to me “seriously, you eat all the time; where do you put it all?”

I blinked at him for a moment before frowning as I said “in my mouth?”

Harry rolled his eyes before shaking his head. “Yeah, McGonagall gave us sandwiches, why?”

“I might know someone who can smuggle food from the kitchens” I said innocently “I mean…if you’re interested.”

“As tempting as that sounds” he grimaced “Ron and I ate a whole load of sweets on the way to school and demolished more sandwiches than I can count so maybe another time?”

Lilliana Snape Book Two (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now