Part 16

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I finally felt the need to continue Lilliana's story; I'll try and upload a bit more regularly for you guys but Christmas is getting ever closer and things are insanely busy at work and at home. Tiredness is a part of daily life now!

Really hope that I don't disappoint all of you lovely people.


"So..." I blinked at Harry who was sitting cross legged at the foot of my bed, leaning against the bed frame "you're telling me that Dobby, the house elf that locked the barrier at Kings Cross, also bewitched a Bludger to maim and kill you?"

"Mhm" he nodded, helping himself to a chocolate frog and shoving it into his mouth before it could get away "exactly."

"And-" I continued "that Creevey got attacked on the first night we were both in here?" I knew this of course but Harry had been awake when the first year was admitted.

"Yup; it was quite an eventful night. Shame you missed it really but we've made a start on the Polyjuice potion; that's where Ron and Hermione are right now, they should be down soon." I sighed in annoyance; of course everything happens when I'm out of it. No change there then. "Everyone's been gossiping about Snape" Harry commented, helping himself to another chocolate frog "saying he never left your bedside unless he had to. People are still terrified of him though" he chuckled "he was terrifying the everyone, even the professors, whilst you were unconscious."

I smiled a little "sounds like him."

"Hermione reckons it was because he was worried about you" he nodded "but no one dared to ask, we all valued our lives too much to risk it."

Harry shoved the chocolate frog into his mouth and went to grab another one but I stopped him. "Potter!" I snapped "stop eating my presents, get your own!"

"But Ron ate all of mine" he moaned through his mouthful of chocolate "just one more?"

"One" I growled.

"You know" Harry said thoughtfully, licking his lips as he finished his frog "Fred's been up here an awful lot as well."

"What are you saying?" I asked loudly as I felt my face flush bright red.

He looked at me in amusement and confusion before shaking his head "just that he's been here a lot; is there something going on between the two of you?"

"No!" I fired back quickly and defensively "why do you always think that there's something going on if I hang around with someone other than you, Ron and Hermione?!"

"Whoa, Lil, chill; it was just a question."

"Yeah, well, sometimes it feels like you're more interested in me than you should be." I grumbled. "Look, Harry" I sighed "I don't want to be rude but I'm feeling rather tired; why don't you get back to Ron and Hermione and I'll see you tomorrow when Matron frees me?"

Harry looked a little deflated at my suggestion but he nodded "sure, I'll see you tomorrow. Feel better, Lil."

I watched Harry go and I realised that I felt a little annoyed. "Why does he always feel the need to nose around in my business?" I muttered to myself, slumping further into my pillows "should change his name to Nosey Potter."

Ten minutes later, just as Madame Pomfrey was checking me over again, someone else decided to pay me a visit. "Oh my!" She stated in alarm as Fred burst through the doors and ran over to me. "Mr Weasley, visiting hours are over!"

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