Part 10

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October finally arrived and with it came a damp chill that covered the grounds and made the castle feel like a fridge that had been set to the lowest temperature. It was so cold that, on most days, I wore three extra layers under my robes.

“I miss summer” I groaned into Fred’s shoulder, one Saturday morning at breakfast “why can’t it be summer again?”

“You do remember that you agreed to help Lockhart today, don’t you?” Hermione asked me as she helped herself to some toast.

I lifted my head and glared at her. “What are you trying to do; bum me out even more or something?” In Defence, last week, Lockhart had somehow persuaded me to help him re-enact one of his books and thought that I was so good that he asked if I’d help him re-enact ‘Break with a Banshee’ and, because I’d zoned out and stopped listening to him, I agreed. Hermione was the one to break the bad news to me and, when I tried to fob him off with excuses, he wouldn’t take no for an answer so now I was having to spend my morning, with him and his pathetic fans, in the Library.

“No, I was just reminding you” she replied pleasantly “I know that a lot of people are looking forward to it.”

I was just about to threaten her when Harry butt in before I could open my mouth. “Quidditch practice later” he stated, looking in annoyance up at the enchanted ceiling.

“But we like Quidditch” I frowned, confused by his tone “we live for Quidditch!”

“Yeah, but it’s raining” he sighed.

“And it’s cold” Ron pointed out.

“Man” I groaned “you guys are no help at all! Jeez!”

I had no idea that one day could go from bad to worse; I mean, I’ve had bad days before but today was taking the piss, just a little bit.

Lockhart was still under the impression that I was his number one fan so, on top of all the free stuff he gives me (signed I might add), he also seems to think that making both me and Harry re-enact his stories is some kind of treat for us. So, when I reluctantly arrived in the library, he was so excited that he made me be the Banshee from ‘Break with a Banshee’, acting as though it was some kind of special honour or something.

“Scream, Lilliana!” He told me enthusiastically.

I let out a feeble scream, completely embarrassed at the fact that every eye in the room was on me; I don’t really care if it’s in front of my classmates but it seemed that every girl (and even some of the boys) in the school had turned up to watch me and it made me want to kill something.

“Oh come on” he laughed “you can do better than that!”

Eventually, he got me to scream so loud that McGonagall and dad came running into the Library.

“What on earth is going on in here?” McGonagall panted, clutching at her chest as she used Neville’s head to steady herself “we could hear you all the way down in the staffroom!”

Lilliana Snape Book Two (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now