Part 13

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“Right” I growled as I slammed a bunch of books down in front of Draco “you didn’t actually tell me what subjects you needed help in so-”

“Shhh!” He hissed at me, looking nervously around.

“Oh, shove off, Malfoy” I snapped “there’s no one in here.”

“Potions” he told me quickly “transfiguration and History of Magic.”

I raised my eyebrows at him “so sucking up to dad isn’t actually helping you then?” Draco glowered back at me but kept his lips zipped. “Fine.” I picked out the subject books that we’d need before piling the rest back up “I’m going to put these back; when I get back, I want a list of what you actually need help in” I instructed “if that’s not done then I’m going to hit you round the head with my school bag until it is, understood?”

He nodded, glowering at me, before grabbing his bag. I spent longer than necessary putting the books back and, when I finally got back to my brother, I found that he’d done exactly what I’d told him to do. Secretly, I was a little disappointed.

Draco had stated that, in potions, he was mediocre at making potions and terrible at essay writing. History of magic, his issue was absorbing the information which was understandable and for transfiguration, he couldn’t get his head around the theory of it and it took him way too long to be able to cast a spell.

“Ok” I sighed before ripping up a roll of parchment into smaller bits and marking specific chapters in the books “I need to make a plan of how we’re going to go about this” I told him “so, whilst I’m doing that, you need to read the chapters that I’ve marked out for you.”

Draco’s eyes bulged at how much reading I was asking him to do. “All of that?”

“Uh, yeah” I rolled my eyes “I never said that it was going to be easy, Draco; anyways, there actually isn’t that much there.”

“Oh really?” He scoffed “you want me to read fifteen chapters!”

“Yes, if you want to pass.”

“Fine” he huffed before pulling out his potions essay. “This is due tomorrow; can you read through it and tell me if it’s actually worth handing in?”

I took the essay from him, scanned it quickly and had to stop myself from laughing out loud. “Draco” I sniggered “if you know what’s good for you, you won’t hand this in. Dad will skin you alive!”

“What’s wrong with it?!”

“For starters you haven’t even answered the question. You’ve just gone round and round in circles about how important it is to have the correct potions ingredients before you start on the potion. Scrap it and start again” I told him, tearing up the essay and raising my eyebrows at him “don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

I made it back to the common room two minutes before curfew and flopped down on the sofa, by the fire, which was already occupied by Harry and Ron. “Hey!” Ron protested, moving from underneath me and going to perch on the arm of Hermione’s armchair.

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